What Lies Beyond ch 30

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What Lies Beyond ch 30
At Laura's hotel-AJ greeted everyone who came in for the reopening Kevin Mac and Felicia Robin and Anna Emma and The Quartermaine Carly and Lucas Spencer and Nikolas Lulu and Lucky," Thank you for coming to the reopening of the hotel, I name it Laura after our late Mayor she was the heart of this town and I hope you enjoy it "AJ said "I can't believe you named it after Laura you did something nice'Carly said as she went by AJ," I have changed I don't know about you" You do have competition I'm opening a hotel "Where did you get the money for that" I have my ways of getting what I want you to know that "Carly said

Lulu and Charlotte were looking around the hotel,' Mom, Are you alright "Yes I think this is a wonderful way to honor my mother "Yes I do too, Grandmother loves this town "Yes she did and her family "Lulu said as she touches her daughter.

Monica and Jeff were enjoying the reopening of the hotel "I love the idea of this hotel after Laura" Me too it was my son's idea I am so proud of him" I'm glad, You will get your chance with your kids you just can't let them push you away "I would "Jeff said as Carolyn was watching them and jealous about the time they were spending together.

Skye was by the bar getting a drink when Ric came by," Sorry I'm late" It's alright I forgot you "Skye said as she kissed him as the girls came by," Mother, What's going on" Lila Rae, Gabriella I'm dating Ric I need to move on" We just want you happy right Gabriella "Yes" Gabriella said she was upset.

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