17 - Yes, yes, yaaaay

10 1 0

Aaaaaaaah. Me, Malik and Tyke are supposed to be sitting together in art. Tyke isn't gonna be here for 6 weeks because he has a tournament in Singapore, Russia, etc. This is the first day of T3 in Y7. 

So now, me, Malik, Tyke sit together in art and history. We're changing the seating plan in science and let's hope for the best. At the start of art, we didn't speak to each other at all but then he started annoying me and we simply just hit off. There is another guy on my table because it's a table of four. 

And at the start he was only speaking to that dude but then it was only us who were speaking. We were speaking about this one time he got 2 behaviour points because he flooded the boys bathroom and about academic pressure to about how our parents don't accept anything less than a 100% and how we get in loads of trouble by our parents due to simple things like getting an 89% in physics. Honestly, even though I hate him loads..... I seriously felt like I liked him due to his personality instead of only his humour and looks. And we relate a lot, like, I feel like someone finally understands me. 

Am I being delusional? Whatever, being delulu is the solulu.

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