29 - Apparently, ZAYN

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There's another Indian dude in my class. And Zayn continuously ships me and him and also me and Pedro. So, he keeps on being like "Pedro is sad Siyana rejected him". And then Omar adds in "sorry, Pedro but she's taken by Joshua". This is like a daily routine for Zayn and Omar. 

And this day, the Indian guy was there and then after the usual "Pedro is sad Siyana rejects him" and "sorry, Pedro she's taken by Joshua", Zayn added in another "habeel (the Indian dude), is in love with Siyana" and honestly I didn't say anything nor did Habeel. And then Pedro kept on shipping us and then Omar added in "Habeel, wishes he was Joshua" and everyone went silent. And then I said "ewww, what no!" 

And then stupid Zayn who creates rumours decided to be like "Siyana rejected Habeel, hahahaha". Me and the dude gave him a dirty glare that made the idiot shut up.

Later, I was just giving Zayn a warning not to send Malik the poster and I guess it was a bit aggressive. This is what I said : "hey Zayn, you dying cat who's the size of my foot, never ship me with mansplaing Malik again or I will kill you. Thank you (I'm not grateful). I have anger issues, by the way. Don't send him the poster" and then he sent that cursed poster to Malik (in private), their swimming group chat and to the "7G Boys" group chat........

I hate that dude so much that after he did that I was like "how tall are you? 1 cm?" And he was like "140cm" with a sarcastic smile and I said "wow, that's so tall" and Zayn said "stop calling me short as if you're tall". And then I paused and said "I didn't call you short and I'm 151cm which is wayyyyy taller than you" and material girl walked off.

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