42 - With Ava

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So, we went to the Spanish teacher and both Ava, Leah posted this on their status : "let's go to our Spanish teacher AFTER school because mansplaining Malik is too jealous of Siyana" and that made me cackle. We went to the Spanish teacher and she said "no, he didn't come to me" and I screamed "but if he does, don't trust him Ms. Bellas because he is thr-" and she kinda was running away whilst saying "yeah, I won't. Just ignore him. Bye". That was sooo rude of her. And then we went to speak to Mrs. Brown about the situation as she's our tutor. MB is the teacher. A is Ava and L is Leah.

S : hi, Mrs. Brown

MB : hi, Siyana... and Ava and Leah. What's wrong girls?

L : so,umm-

S : Leah, it's-

K : Mrs. Brown, it's Siyana's story to tell. I was just a person who witnessed it and he's threatening her with Ava

S : sooo, this person *pointing to his seat*, I don't even wanna say his name *Ava is giggling* (and I recite the entire story)

MB : Siyana, what I can see is that you both hate each other. I have to be professional in this even though Malik boils my blood whenever he thinks that he knows the best or thinks that girls can't do what he can.

L : Ms, he thinks that he knows everything!

S : I know right! What do you think is the reason he hates me though?

Like, he doesn't have to bother me EVERYTIME and say I hate you! It's obvious

A : That's so true with Zayn and Malik!

L : The cause is the competition. The academic competition and general hatred (are you sure girl?) makes it even worse than the normal beef.

S : *scoffs*, what about me and you?

L : we were friends before and I'm not as smart as you! But between you both, the level is *points to fingers* THIS close

S : Don't you dare call him as smart as me!

L : no, he's immature and the emotional intelligence level is what makes him lower.

S : *grinning*, you're calling me smarter? I'm flattered-

MB : So, on Monday, I'll speak to Pedro, but mainly Zayn and Malik and then during break-

S : I know what. Talk like CIVILISED human beings, CIVILISED is the keyword for me and MALIK

MB : And let them get it all out like how you did right now. They deserve a say in this.

A : But Ms, Zayn started hating me when he started noticing that I awad better at swimming

MB : See girls, there's two reasons a boy might hate you : feels threatened, especially if a girl beats him and doesn't know how to cope with feelings.

S : I ThInK hE lIkEssSsS YoU

A : Siyana, no

MB : I think this is more competition based

S : but me and Malik are triggered like this * snaps fingers*

A : yea Ms, *laughing* like this *mocks me and snaps fingers*

MB : I've seen it, Siyana, can't control yourselves except for if it's with a behaviour point. But still, he's

S : he cried after getting a behaviour point!! Bahahahahha

L : you would too Siyana

S : *shy smile*, but he actually did.

MB : he said he was gonna cry less this year *rolls her eyes* because apparently he cried a lot last year.

S : I wanna be in 6D now! I wanna see how much he cried last year? All the time? Imagine Malik crying all the time!

MB : the hatred is definitely mutual

L : so, no offence to India, but parts of India are a bit sexist and Siyana being heard that a lot in her life maybe? Maybe her seeing women, not your mum or anyone close, but anyone at all being treated in a sexist way and in the back of her head it replays in her head "Girls Can't Be As Good As Boys" whenever Malik is there with his normal for an-11y old boy but still sexist beliefs?

S : Istg, give that kind of analysis in your English analysis and you'll get better than me! But yeah, he boils my blood- ugh!

MB : Yes, Leah.

S : yesterday, in maths challenge, I wasn't feeling well and he beat me in a QUIZ and even though I beat him in the actual test. He begins doing the griddy! And this *the loser dance*

MB : that shows the level of immaturity and the place that they're from could affect this as well. Maybe, in Egypt, boys are taken easy if a girl is better than them. But Siyana, the way Malik loo-

S : ya! They're both Egyptian! But Omar and Omar aren't that much trouble?

MB : Zayn and Malik excel in a singular thing in general and the Omar's are not that um-

L : -good at anything

S : but Malik's good at everything. He's little PERFECT boy! Music, Art, PE and academics. *exhales*

MB : what about his perspective? Siyana, what if he's like "she's all pretty, well-liked and smart but me...."?

S : he's not gon-

L : what if he does? I never thought that you'd call Malik perfect


A : bahahahaha, I'm gonna bring popcorn on Monday break

L : it's gonna be sooooo funny

MB : One more reason is that you both are extremely strong-willed. He definitely isn't used to seeing another person, a girl especially, as headstrong as him. That can make you a good p-

S : ohhhhhhhhh

MB : yep, and all the other girls in the class would let his crap go through but you won't Siyana, extremely strong-willed and a feminist.

L : Kay, thank you Ms

MB : I'll me talking to Malik, Zayn and Pedro later on Monday (it's on Friday)

A : byeeeee

S : byeee, ask him why he hates me!

And then Leah left;And then me and Ava left together.

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