50 - Realisation

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Y7 ends in just 1 month. The awards ceremony is in 24 days. It feels like just yesterday when I sat next to Malik during assembly with no feelings for him. Now, one touch makes me get butterflies. 

Pedro is like a brother (in the hate way?), I'm friends with the most popular girls - Ava and Evelyn, everyone ships me with Malik. But what if all of this ends? I can't. My life is perfect right now. I'm in love, great scores and friends. Never in trouble and full of laughter. Is my life gonna change? If it does, it's definitely for the worse. It can't get better than this. 

I might have a worst enemy but I see the perfect in him. Somewhere, I know that he likes me. I know for sure that he likes me. He does. 

Everyone says that we like each other. If they see the love in my eyes, do they see it in his eyes? Love? 

Remember when I was crazy-obsessed with Tyke? With Zayn? 

Is Malik just gonna be a phase? No, it can't. This is deeper. 

I don't know why but I feel like after Malik, how hot or smart the dude is - I can't. I cannot like a guy that's not Malik. What if we move and I never see him again? Do we even look good together? 

I wanna remember his touch, how he grabs my hands whenever I don't pay attention to him. 

His words, him annoying me. 

What if I simply move schools or cities or countries? Will I ever see him again? Ever? Once a year? 

Will I ever tell him that there is a person that loves him? 

Anytime he feels bad about himself or cries about those 98s, I want to tell him that there's a girl that loved him. That loves him. 

Selflessly that she would endure getting kicked out if he wouldn't. 

I think I'm falling hard, for Malek Awad.

A/N: How was the name reveal of my crush?

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