58 - Wasup homie?

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We had a treasure hunt in maths and I was paired up with Mia. Tyke with Habeel and Malik with Asher. My group was first, Tyke's second and Malik's third. Ava and Layla were together; they were 4th to finish. So, everyone was sat down doing an extension task. There's four rows. First row are Ava and Layla, second row is Malik and Asher, third row is me and Mia, fourth row is Tyke and Habeel. Asher is AS and Mia is MS.Let's get in :

S : wasup homie? *faces Habeel*

H : *rolls eyes* hi

S : you're soo dry I swear. Like look at Tyke. Heyyyyyy Tykeyyyyy bestie

T : *laughs* hey Siyana.

S : see Habeel. Wait up! Heyyy bestie? That's better?

H : what the f*ck? No, I'm not your homie

M : *turns around* haha, Siyana. Imagine getting rejected by Habeel.

S : shut up Malik! What do you mean, bestie?

T : *amused smile* really?

S : oh my days! I forgot about you! How areeeeeee youuuuuuu? My favourite blonde

T : well you're not my favourite *chuckling*

S : *mocks being offended* what do you meannnnnnnn?

M : he means that you're not his favourite *laughing his a*s off;like A LOT*

S : you look bad, let me take a picture of you

T : you know he can sue you right? Like, THAT'S VERY DISRESPECTFUL SIYANA!

S : Is he gonna sue me?

L : no! Cause he likes you

S : shhhhhhhhh, Layla.

T : yeah, I think he'll sue you. That means he will f*ck you up.

Z : just remove the "up"

S : remember when I made you into a fairy princess, Tykey?

T : heyyyy, that's VERY NOT NICE of you, Siyana.

M : you seem obsessed

S : sure

T : Malik and Siyana

H : Sitting on a tree

MS : K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Z : Kiss him.

S : why would I kiss that stupid piece of sh*t?

Z : Because.

S : why?


S : whatever!

M : ya Zayn! Ana la uhib ya binti! (I don't like that girl!)

S : sure.

L : did you just?

S : did I what?

L : did you just ship yourself?

S : how?

L : Because.

S : because?



M : yeah, no sh*t. But I don't like you. You're everything bad.

S : you're awful

M : you're annoying

S : you're weird

M : you're terrible

S : Horrible!

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