CHAPTER 2: The Lone Snake

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I was so excited to take the train to school like everyone else

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I was so excited to take the train to school like everyone else.

My arrival in the previous year, which started with the carriage being attacked, had only set the tone for the many unfortunate events that would follow. But this time, I knew everything would be different.

"All compartments are occupied on this side, any luck there?" Natty called me from the other side of the Hogwarts Express corridor.

The train was packed. I squeezed myself through clearly lost new 1st-years crowding the train passages and excused myself as I bumped into a Hufflepuff couple who was hugging, checking all compartments for at least 2 seats. Student groups of 6 or 7 had already claimed most of the spots.

There was one compartment left to check, but the door was closed. For a moment, I hesitated to knock, but then I saw it: a wand with a faint red light gleaming through the opaque glass.

I waved at Natty to join me, concluding our mission.

"Ominis!" I didn't hide the excitement in my voice as I walked in. "A whole compartment for yourself? I hope I am not disturbing..."

"Carolyn, dear, it is you." He nodded, relaxing the frown he had. "What a relief it is to have you here. I was worried that I'd have to share this space with those loud kids."

Natty finally joined us. "Gaunt."

"Onai," he replied.

Natty never appeared to be particularly fond of Ominis. I always pondered whether students with more time at Hogwarts harboured stronger opinions about pure-blood families, perhaps rushing to judge Ominis before experiencing his true, kind nature.

"Don't mind me," she politely said. "I have some reading to do." Somehow, she already had the textbook of History of Magic.

Glancing at Ominis, I was taken by surprise that his sleeves were rolled up, showing a pair of strong forearms I had never seen before.

My eyes roamed over his figure.

Ominis looked... different.

His ashy blond hair had grown out a little, still neatly combed except for a few untamed strands falling gently on his forehead. His bone structure was now prominent, the cheekbones and jaw perfectly chiselled - a classic, more manly look that fit his sarcastic yet poised personality so well. His cloudy eyes never looked better on his face.

Although his body was hiding beneath his Slytherin cloak, I could tell that his shoulders were broader, and the pristine off-white dress shirt was just a tad too tight on his upper arms. My eyes failed to resist going back to his toned forearms again, so pale and translucent that the delicate tracery of his veins was visible up to his slender hands.

Even his usual melancholic hunch was replaced by a laid-back and relaxed posture, leaning back comfortably on his seat.

I had never noticed that he was so... elegant. I accidentally blushed.

"Ominis..." I cleared my throat and adjusted myself on my seat, pushing away the thoughts.  "How was summer?"

"Well, I spent a considerable time supporting Sebastian, but ultimately, I am pleased that the outcome was positive," Ominis replied, his tone calm but distant.

"Yes, I know everything about him already... I am asking about your summer."

Ominis blinked, a hint of surprise flickering across his face. "Oh... Me? Well... The Gaunt and the Black families reconnected during the summer, affording me multiple opportunities to escape the depressive Gaunt lair and enjoy a pleasant respite."

"Black? As in, Headmaster Black?" I chuckled discreetly, remembering the time when I had to drink the Polyjuice Potion to get into the Headmaster's Office, and I interacted with Ominis while in disguise.

"Precisely. Have you met his son? Phineas Black?"

"Not really..."

Ominis lips curled in a faint, discreet smile. "He is... an interesting fellow. Our views align quite closely on several matters... Including opposing our families' views."

Natty chuckled, not taking her eyes from the book. "Opposing your families' views, huh..."

Then, I remember the letter he sent me. "And your family, by the way... You had mentioned they wanted to meet me."

He sighed. "Worry not about it just yet. I'll try to delay that encounter as much as possible."

His jaw was clenching, and he seemed to hesitate for a moment but didn't take the chat forward. I decided to change the subject instead.

"May I ask though, why isn't Sebastian accompanying you today?" I looked away to the window to hide my blushing face, not from him, but from Natty, who slightly raised an eyebrow when I spoke.

"Carolyn dear, it is quite obvious, isn't it?" Ominis said ironically, his head tilting to the side.

"What- what do you mean it is obvious?" I felt my whole face burning.

Does he think that it is obvious that I would ask about Sebastian?

Natty was amused at the sight of me. She was still staring at her book, holding back her laughter with such determination.

"I mean that it is clear of course, that Sebastian doesn't take the Hogwarts Express. He lives in the Highlands, close to the castle, as you know," he explained. "Although, even if he did live anywhere else, he is one of the few underaged students perfectly capable of apparating."

"Yes, indeed," I got myself to reply, adjusting myself on my seat.

The rest of the journey was lovely. Natty somehow already had a book from our History of Magic class in hand, and Ominis treated himself to a nap.

I used that time for some contemplation. The landscapes were so picturesque. Even though I had my share of flying around the Highlands on my broom, I never really took the time to appreciate the scenery.

As we finally approached the Hogsmeade Train Station, my stomach betrayed me by filling up with butterflies. The anticipation of arriving was too big.

It was a mixed feeling though, longing to see my good friend Sebastian, with whom I had lived so many nerve-racking adventures together, and at the same time, feeling somewhat nervous about reuniting with him...

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