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bailey's pov

i sat in the hospital with an IV in my arm.

so much for going to school today.

it was getting harder to do anything now a days.

my doctor, who also happens to be my dad, is the only reason i'm still alive. he's a cardiologist.

if i had it my way, i would have given up on a happy life a long time ago.

my dad took me to disney land and did all the things any child would have to do if they were dying, but kept insisting that i had a fighting chance.

i also had three "uncles".

michael who is an orthopedic surgeron, calum who is a pediatrician, and ashton who is a psychiatrist.

guess who i see the most often...

anyways, hi, my name is bailey hemmings, and i have congestive heart failure.

it wasn't severe enough that i needed to stay in the hospital, but it was severe enough that i couldn't go about my daily business without at least one of the boys hanging over me.

the door flung open and in walked my dad with a chart in his hands.

"dad, you just came in not even 2 minutes ago." i spoke as i sent my dad a nasty glare.

"bailey, it has not been only two minutes." dad spoke with an eye roll.

i whipped out my phone where i was secretly timing how long he was gone and showed it to him.

"sorry, i rounded up." i shrugged as i showed him the screen of my phone that showed 1 minute and 45 seconds.

"well, i'm sorry, you know how i am when you're in the hospital baby." dad spoke with a slight eye roll.

like i said, i never had a minute alone.

i understand where dad is coming from, when i first got diagnosed with heart failure, i tried to kill myself.

ashton found me and ever since then, the boys never left me alone.

someone was with me at all times.

worst of all, i had to do weekly sessions with ashton trying to explain that all i was doing was speeding up the dying process.

"i need to listen to your heart." dad spoke as he removed the stethoscope around his neck and brought it to my chest.

i winced back from the coldness.

"i'm sorry, i know it's cold." he whispered as he listened in silence to my heart. "you're doing good today! you're heart is strong."

"hey, at least one thing is going right." i laughed under my breath.

"i heard that, do we need to start up sessions with ashton again?" dad asked as he sat down next to me on the stool.

"no dad. i'm fine. this is just how i cope." i shrugged as i looked down at my phone.

dad sat there quietly for a moment before nodding.

"i've got to go round on other patients, but i'll be back." he spoke with a tight smile.

"feel free to stay away longer than two minutes!" i spoke behind him.

i loved my life.


a couple hours passed as i sat there sitting in pure boredom.

this was shit.

i hated being in the hospital alone.

luckily, calum came in a couple minutes later.

"hey pretty girl, just here to remove the IV then get us on our way out of here." he smiled as he sat down next to me.

"i hate this part." i muttered as i turned away.

"i know. i'm sorry baby. close your eyes and count to 3 and i'll be done." calum spoke.

i could feel the sympathy dripping off his voice.

"done." he spoke as i looked down to see a bandaid on my arm.

i shuddered at the feeling of my feet hitting the ground.

it was cold.

"does her majesty need to be carried out?" calum asked with a grin.

i nodded as he chuckled and picked me up.

and on the way i went.

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