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i stayed seated on the bleachers for the next hour before the bell rang and i headed to lunch.

before i could reach the lunch room, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a closet.

did i forget to mention i was bullied?

i winced in pain as my arm was twisted behind my back.


"hey bitch." jessica laughed as her minions held my hands behind my back.

"what do you want now?" i asked quietly.

"i want to know why you have special privileges? are you perhaps fucking the teacher?" jessica laughed as she pulled her phone out to record me.

i quickly hung my head and shook it indicating that i did not fuck a teacher.

"what a pathetic loser." jessica laughed as she motioned for her minions to let me go.

they did and i tried to make a run for it but was met with a firm kick to the stomach.

i groaned and curled up in a ball waiting for the next kick.

after 15 minutes, they were done and left the closet laughing.

i propped myself up against the books and couldn't help but cry.

why was i treated this way? what made me the most hated girl at this school.

i slowly stood up and clutched my side.

i was 99% sure i had a broken rib before walking to the bathroom.

luckily, they never made a mark on my face, so i had no real problems hiding it.

the reason i hide it is because of those recordings.

they have the most humiliating and horrible recordings of me on their phones.

i splashed my face with water before going to my last class of the day.

i was so tired and done with today.

school finally ended and i waited outside for one of the boys to come pick me up.

soon enough, i saw ashton pull up in his car.

i hopped up slowly forgetting i had a potential broken rib and huffed softly.

good thing ashton couldn't hear.

"hey pretty girl, how was school?" ashton asked as he looked over at me.

"it was good." i replied with a fake smile.

i must've looked like i was in pain because ashton asked out of no where, "are you in pain? you look very uncomfortable right now."

"i'm fine ash. just had a tough exam." i lied as i leaned my head back against the seat.

"i'm sure you did amazing. you're super smart anyways." ashton spoke with a reassuring smile.

i nodded in reply.

we pulled into the driveway and ashton rolled down his window.

"hey, are you sure you're okay? you have a limp?" ashton pointed out.

i quickly straightened myself out and bit my tongue from the pain in my side.

"yes ash. i'm just tired. i might actually go sleep." i chuckled softly.

"if you say so. i'm always here to talk if you need anything." ashton spoke quickly as he rolled his window up and left the driveway.

i walked inside the house and straight up to my room.

i carefully removed my uniform and saw the new bruises slowly starting to form across my body.

i pulled on a hoodie and sweats before laying in bed.

i felt my phone buzzed and looked over to see a text from an unknown number.

unknown: meet me in the closet again before lunch or you will regret it

i wonder what tomorrow had in store for me.....................

hey guys, this is just a little warning, the next chapter is going to be extremely triggering as it's going to have a scene of SA in it.

please skip over it if that is something that is triggering for you as i do not want to trigger anyone!

i am always available to talk if anyone needs <3

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