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bailey's pov

"i won't touch you. i'm sorry." dad spoke slowly as he retracted his hand.

i nodded in reply.

i didn't have much to say to him.

"why didn't you tell me this was going on?" dad spoke softly.

"you wouldn't have believed me anyway. plus, i had it handled." i shrugged as i leaned further away from him.

"i don't think you need me to tell you have far from 'having this handled' this situation is." dad spoke with a tone of disappointment.

i was used to it.

"please give me time alone. i don't need this from you right now." i spoke coldly.

dad sat there for a minute before standing up.

"i'll leave you be, but promise me, you will talk to someone about this. it doesn't have to be me or ashton. anyone." dad spoke.

i nodded and pulled the covers over my head.

"remember to take your meds." dad spoke before leaving the room.

as soon as i heard the door shut, i opened my drawer and took out my 4 bottles of meds.

antianginal for to reduce chest pressure, vasodilator to widen my blood vessels, diuretic to eliminate the extra water in my body, and finally a dietary supplement to make sure i keep up with my health.

i took a pill from each bottle and dropped them down my throat one by one before chugging a water bottle.

i reached into the back of my drawer and pulled out a lighter.

no, i didn't smoke, dad would definitely find out.

i burned.

it was my way of coping that no one but me knew.

i didn't do it on my arms, but on my thighs.


i pulled down my pants and slowly brought the lighter to my thighs.

i didn't feel any pain anymore.

i guess when you've been doing something for so long, the pain just goes away.

i made a couple marks on my thighs before putting neosporin on top of them and pulling my pants back up.

i don't know what i would do if dad ever found out.

it's a miracle i've even been able to keep it a secret for as long as i have considering how nosey they are.

i put the lighter back into my dresser before laying in bed again.

i was dying, so what was the point of actually living.

luke's pov

ashton and i waited downstairs in silence for michael and calum to arrive home.

both of them didn't know what was going on, other than how i rushed out of the hospital.

they both arrived back and we explained the situation to them.

"how the fuck could kids even get away with this?" michael asked.

frustration was evident on his face.

"i don't know. she wouldn't even let me touch her." i frowned as i balled my hands into fists.

"there's no point getting mad. what's done is done. as far as i'm concerned. these kids need to be prosecuted at the highest extent of the law." calum spoke as he stood up.

"i'm going to go shower." michael motioned as he also stood up.

maybe i just needed to give her space.

bailey's pov

i decided to get up from bed to go grab water when i felt a pain in my chest and couldn't help but fall forward.

that was the last thing i remembered before everything went black.

calum's pov

i was heading up the stairs when i heard a thump in bailey's room causing my heart to drop.

i quickly ran to the door and opened it to see her lying on the ground.

"luke! call 911!" i yelled as i quickly picked bailey up.

i ran her downstairs where luke was on the phone with 911.

"fuck, i'll drive her. come on." i motioned as even michael came running down the stairs.

as i laid her down on the car seat, i couldn't help but notice a tad of blood on her sleeve.

a conservation needed to happen.

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