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bailey's pov

i turned over to see calum and ashton both sitting by my door.

"oh my gosh, you told him?" i groaned as i turned the other way.

"what's wrong with me knowing?" ashton asked using his 'fake offended' voice.

"nothing i guess. guys, i'm fine. i wouldn't do that anyways." i spoke with a tiny eye roll.

little did they know.

"well, i believe you." ashton replied softly causing calum to look at him.

"thank you. it's nice to be believed for once. plus, i'm going to die anyways. so what's the point of hurting myself." i spoke coldly.

"don't talk like that. you're life matters and you're going to make it out of this alive. you're on the list and your heart is still pumping strong." ashton spoke firmly.

i just nodded in response.

a couple minutes later, both of the boys left the room.

i needed to be more careful.

ashton's pov

"you think she's in the clear?" calum asked softly.

"i do. she doesn't show any signs of someone struggling with self harm. i do understand the caution though because of her past suicide attempt. i think we should just keep an eye out for it right now and see if we can identify any other signs." i replied.

"should we tell luke?" calum asked.

"let me do it. he's not going to like this at all." i sighed as i headed in the direction of the cardio floor.

i saw luke sitting in his office looking through a couple files.

"hey mate, we need to talk." i spoke softly.

luke immediately looked up and motioned for me to sit down.

"calum came to me with the concern that bailey was self harming. he saw blood on her sleeve and she claimed it was a shaving accident. calum looked and it was. she showed no signs of self harm scars physically. i went down and did a mini assessment and she's not raising any of the red flags that i usually look for when kids are self harming." i explained simply.

"well, as long as she's not. i'll talk to her about it later at home." luke sighed as he looked back down at the folders in front of him.

something was stressing him out.

bailey's pov

i was able to go back home with the boys later that night.

we all got into the car together.

it was quiet.

i could tell something was bothering dad, but i couldn't put my finger on it.

as soon as we arrived home, i hopped out of the car and ran up to my room.

i decided to shower before changing into shorts just long enough to cover the burns and a long sleeved t shirt.

i brushed my hair out and sat down on my bed.

i heard a soft knock on the door and saw dad come walking in.

"hey princess." dad spoke softly as he sat down on the bed next to me.

"hi." i replied as i looked down at my hands.

"so, ash came to talk to me today about a little scare regarding self harm. is everything okay?" he asked.

i nodded slowly.

i didn't notice how my shorts road up revealing one of my major burns.

i heard dad gasp before i looked up to see his eyes glued to my legs.

oh fuck.

"bailey, what the hell did you do?"

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