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bailey's pov

i woke up in the hospital with an IV hooked into my arm.

i must've passed out again.

i guess my heart gave out again.

i looked over and saw a glass of water next to my bed.

dad must know me too well.

suddenly, the door opened and in came dad.

"hey sunshine." he smiled softly as he sat down on the chair next to my bed.

"hey dad." i mumbled. "what happened?"

"your heart stopped beating for a couple minutes." dad spoke as he brought his stethoscope down to listen to my heart.

"i don't know how much longer i want to fight this anymore. im going to die anyways." i shuddered as the stethoscope touched my chest.

dad stayed silent as he listened to my heart.

"don't talk like that love. you're going to be okay." dad spoke softly as he took the stethoscope off my chest and around his neck.

"i don't know if i want to do this dad. you have to respect my wishes." i spoke quickly.

"no. i don't bailey and i won't. i'm sorry. i'm not giving up on you. you're on the transplant list. you're going to make it." dad spoke firmly.

i just nodded in response.

i wish i had his confidence when it comes to fighting this.

dad left the room to go check on another patient when calum came walking in.

"do you need something?" i asked as i looked up at him.

"wow, attitude much?" calum chuckled as he sat down in the chair next to me.

he was acting weird.

"there's no easy way to talk about this type of topic, but i saw blood on your sleeve as i walked in and i just want to make sure you're not self harming." calum spoke slowly.

his whole phrase caused me to stop breathing.

"n-no of course not. it was a shaving accident." i spoke with a tiny laugh.

"roll up your sleeves." calum spoke as he motioned for me to hand him my arm.

i had no problem doing this because i had nothing to hide.

i rolled up both sleeves and handed him my arms.

calum gently took them and rolled them over to see nothing but clean skin and a tiny scratch from the razor.

i could physically see the relief wash across calum's face.

"okay. i didn't say anything to your dad or any of the boys. i just wanted to make sure you weren't doing that because it's a very unhealthy coping mechanism." calum spoke slowly.

i nodded in response before asking, "did you ever see anyone doing that?"

"yes. kids your age all the time." calum spoke.

"did you tell their parents?" i asked.

"well, yes. it's the law. the only time i didn't was if the parents were abusive and i'd tell CPS instead." calum replied.

i nodded.

the reason i couldn't tell anyone is because i know it would disappoint dad.

calum left the room and left me with me myself and i.

calum's pov

i walked over to ashton's office to have lunch.

something was bothering me about bailey's reaction.

i don't think i believed her.

i walked in and sat down in the chairs with ashton and i.

"i had a conversation with bailey about self harm because i saw blood on her sleeve. she rolled up her sleeves and i saw the razor scratch but no cuts." i spoke slowly.

"well, teens usually don't self harm in places where it's obvious. bailey's smart. did you check anywhere else?" ashton asked as he bit into his sandwich.

"no. should i?" i asked.

"i mean, i would if you still have a suspicion. better to be safe than sorry. i can come with you if you want?" ashton asked.

"please do. can we go now?" i spoke as i shut my lunch bag.

"yes, let's go." ashton spoke.

please, i hope she's not doing what i think she's possibly doing.

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