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I quickly pushed down my pants and stared up at dad blankly.

i couldn't tell what was going on through his head.

"bailey what is going on?" dad asked as he stared me down.

"n-nothing. leave me alone." i spoke as i scooted away from him.

"no, we need to talk. what was that? i couldn't even see. are those infected baby? please let me see." dad spoke softly as he tried to move my hands.

i shook my head and brought my knees to my chest.

i felt tears enter my eyes as i tried my hardest to hold them back.

"why bailey? you know this isn't the answer. we have told you time after time that this isn't the answer." dad spoke firmly.

"leave me alone." i spoke coldly.

dad sat there quietly before standing up and walking out of the room.

that's the first time he truly ever left me alone.

luke's pov

she was hurting herself.

how long has this been happening? why? am i not good enough? does she think she's not good enough?

a million questions flooded my brain as i walked to ashton's bedroom.

"she's hurting herself." i spoke softly as i entered the room. "i want her back in therapy with you."

"what? where? and how?" ashton asked as he popped his head up from his computer. "i already planned on putting her back because of what had been going on at school."

"on her legs. it's bad. it's so bad. did i fail her?" i whispered.

"no, luke, it wasn't you. self harm is never anyone's fault. she's just in pain." ashton countered quickly.

he knew i blamed myself.

"how could she be in pain? do we not check in enough or do enough for her?" i sighed as i sat down at the chair of his desk.

"luke. she's dying. her heart is failing her. she's dying. she's being bullied. she was sexually assaulted. there's so much pain in her life right now. it's no one's fault, it's just the deal of cards she's been given." ashton explained.

"can you go talk to her? i can't do it. i might actually explode if i go back in there." i spoke calmly.

ashton nodded and quickly stood up.

maybe it was me, but i just didn't understand why she didn't talk to one of us.

bailey's pov

after dad left, i stood up and quickly locked my door.

how could i be so stupid? dad never understand stuff like this.

i heard a soft knock on the door and knew immediately who it was.

"go away ash." i grumbled.

"you and i both know that's not an option. let me in so we can talk?" ashton asked.

i sighed and unlocked the door before jumping back on my bed.

"so, why? why self harm? you said you weren't doing it back at the hospital." ashton asked.

"why not? it helps me." i shrugged.

"what do you do?" ashton asked.

"i burn myself. it helps me stay in control." i chuckled lightly.

"so, no. that's not okay. or healthy. so let's talk. explain to me your feelings." ashton spoke as he sat down with a frown.

what did i get myself into..


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