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"please don't. you left me. you abandoned me. i don't want anything to do with you." i spoke softly as tears fell down my face.

"i-i know and i'm sorry baby. i just want to make it right. i want a chance to make this all right." mandy spoke softly.

"you lost that chance the second you walked out on me. i wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for dad. dad is the only reason i'm still here." i spoke coldly as i wiped the continual tears that ran down my face.

"stop crying. your mother wants to see you. what the hell is wrong with you?" cole spit out as he glared at me.

"woah, excuse you, do not talk to my daughter like that." dad spoke with a glare.

"you clearly raised her with no manners. it will be good for her to live with us. i can teach her how to be a good daughter." cole smiled proudly.

i had an awful feeling about this.

"you'll be hearing from my lawyers." mom whispered as she left the room with cole following behind her.

"i don't want to go with her." i sobbed as i brought my knees up to my chest.

dad didn't even speak and brought me into a hug.

"i won't let her take you from me. you're my little girl. forever and always." dad spoke softly.

3 weeks later

i woke up in my bed and sighed.

today was the day. today was the day i found out if i had to go live with my mom.

dad switched my schooling to online so that i could do my work on my own terms.

i could tell this was all taking a toll on him.

he looked more stressed, yet he always had a smile for me.

i couldn't ask for a better dad.

i quickly pulled on a white dress and braided my hair. i added a little bit of makeup and slipped on vans.

my dad wanted me on a constant heart monitor so he could track my heart beat.

i put the band around my upper arm and started down the stairs.

once i got down, i saw the boys standing in suits by the door.

"let's get this over with." i sighed.

they all nodded in return.

everyone was dreading today.

we arrived at the court house and went inside.

"so, the case before us is custody based. right now, dad has her full time, but mom wants partial custody?" the judge asked looking between us.

i nodded my head.

"okay, well, bailey is old enough where she has enough of a say as to whether or not she goes with her mom. it won't be the whole decision factor, but your opinion does matter. so tell me, who do you want to live with?" the judge asked as she looked at me.

"i want to live with my dad. my dad is a cardiologist and i have heart failure. he takes care of me. i wouldn't be here without him. my mom abandoned me when she found out i had heart failure. she left me and my dad. i don't want to go back to the woman who left me when i needed her most." i spoke frankly.

the judge nodded slowly, "mrs. williams, what do you have to say for yourself?"

my mom gave her a sob story. a story that both dad and i had no back up for.

once mom finished the judge looked at the clock and said, "let's take a 10 minute recess before i make my decision."

we all got up and stretched our legs before being called back into court.

i was so nervous, i could barely sit still.

"regarding custody, im going to allow the mom every other week. i am splitting custody temporarily. if i see even a tiny reason as to why she should not be in your custody, i will remove her mrs. williams. dr. hemmings and bailey, while i admire your love for your dad, give your mom a chance. court finished." she spoke as she banged her gravel.

i felt my world stop spinning and felt sick to my stomach.

i knew this wouldn't go good.

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