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i pretty much spent the rest of my day laying in bed thinking about the text i had received.

should i even go to school tomorrow or should i just pretend to not be feeling well?

my dad and the other three came home soon enough.

i was feeling unsure about what was going to happen tomorrow, but maybe it wouldn't be as bad as it sounds?

luke's pov

i was packing a couple files up to take back home with me when ashton came by my office.

"hey mate, bailey seems off. after school, she didn't seem like herself. i don't know if maybe someone should talk to her or anything along those lines." ashton spoke hesitantly.

"off? off how?" i asked as i put the papers in my briefcase.

"off like hurt. she didn't seem well. i cant put my finger on it." ashton replied.

"okay, well i'll talk to her tonight." i sighed as i pulled my bag over my shoulder and walked with ashton out to go meet calum and michael.

we arrived home and bailey was nowhere in sight.

"i'm going to go check her room. you guys want to order in?" i asked.

"yeah, how about chinese?" calum asked.

"i'm down." i chuckled as i headed up the stairs.

i arrived at the front of bailey's door and knocked softly, thankful to hear a tiny come in answer.

i walked in and saw her laying in bed covered by her blanket and curled up in a ball.

"hey sweetie, how you doing?" i asked as i sat down next to her.

"fine. i'm just tired dad." she whispered as she turned away from me.

"ashton said you were off after school. did anything happen?" i asked as i moved myself around to the other side of her bed to look at her face.

"no. i'm fine. you guys are just too overprotective." she replied with an eye roll.

"if you say so pretty." i sighed as i got up and left the room.

something happened at school, but i didn't want to push.

bailey's pov

i laid there as tears started streaming down my face.

i covered my mouth to make sure i didn't make too much noise as i cried.

i wanted to tell dad so bad, but i didn't want those videos of me around the school.

i didn't know what to do.

all i did know was that it hurt so fucking bad.

i was already dying, why did they have to make the couple moments where i feel alive a living hell?


i woke up the next morning for school and pulled on some makeup and tied my hair in a bun.

i slipped on my uniform and tennis shoes before grabbing a jacket and pulling it over my body.

i packed my bag and headed downstairs.

to say i was nervous was an understatement.

michael was the only one up because he had an early shift and offered to drive me to school.

"i'll see you later honey. have a nice day. i love you." michael smiled as he waved at me.

i awkwardly waved back and made my way into school.

i went to my first classes and then to lunch.

i was determined to avoid that fucking closet.

suddenly i felt two hands grab me and i was dragged into the closet.

i opened my eyes to see jessica and her two minion friends standing behind her.

"smile freak. you're in for it this time." she smirked as she opened the door to let in a man who was wearing a mask.

i felt my heart drop as he man came closer.

jessica pulled out her phone and started recording as her two minions held my hands back so i couldn't fight.

i hung my head low and tried to move as he began to unbutton my shirt and run his hands up and down my body.

he got down to my skirt and pulled them down before touching my legs.

i felt my whole body freeze as he did this.

before he could go any further, the door busted open and there stood the principal.

"what the fuck is going on in here!"

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