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when i got home all i could do was walk up to my room and sit down on the ground and think.

of course, not even 2 seconds after i sat down on the floor, michael came walking in.

"your dad recruited me to come up and ask you to come down for dinner." michael spoke with a smile.

"does that mean you lost rock paper scissors and was forced to come up and ask?" i chuckled as i pulled myself up from the ground.

"you know me too well." michael spoke in a sassy voice as we headed down the stairs together.

dad made homemade burgers and french fries.

"there's no way you made this." i spoke as i looked over at dad.

"doubting my talent i see." dad spoke with an eye roll.

"she knows talent when she sees it." ashton spoke with a wink before mouthing that he was the one who made the food.

i nodded in agreement as we all sat down and began eating.

after dinner, i helped with the dishes and went back up to my room to get ready for bed.

dad came in a couple minutes later.

"school tomorrow?" he asked.

"yep. hopefully i can make it through the day." i sighed as i pulled the covers back to get into bed.

"have you thought about online school at all? i know you don't want to quit going, but you're starting to miss a lot." dad pointed out softly as he sat at the corner of my bed.

"it's not my fault i was diagnosed with heart failure dad." i pointed out.

"i never said it was honey. just give it some thought okay?" dad spoke as he leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead before heading out of the room.

i turned over and began thinking about how my life came to this in the first place.

i became sick as a little kid from a virus. my dad was only a resident at the time and didn't have the time to look after me properly.

i became so sick that i was in the hospital for months.

my mom left during this time. my dad doesn't talk about her because she left and he hates her. quite frankly, i do too.

if i ever saw her again, i wouldn't even know what to do.

i was diagnosed with heart failure at 11 and i am now 16.

all i've been doing is getting worse.

i know i'm going to die one day, what i don't know is why they won't let me die on my own terms.


i woke up the next morning for school.

i brushed my teeth and hair before putting on light makeup.

i changed into my uniform and packed my bag before heading downstairs.

no one was up yet.

it was the one moment of peace and quiet that I actually had from them.

i grabbed an apple and snuck out of the house before walking to school.

dad didn't like when i walked to school because he was scared my heart couldn't take it.

i arrived at school and went to my first period class, math.

anything stem related was hard for me, hence my favorite class being english.

after math ended, i walked to my next period, which was PE.

i didn't have any friends here. dad thought i did which is why he never pushed for me to leave school.

he doesn't know how lonely i really am.

i walked over to the PE teacher and handed him my excuse note before sitting down on the bleachers.

i hated my life, why couldn't i just be healthy.

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