Chapter 2: Graduation

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Graduation Day was officially here. Emily was happy and so was her friends Playtime, Bully, Beans, Jimmy, and Johnny. Emily was of course the only person that ever graduated from Here School. Because she aged faster than anyone there. And of course she was very smart.

Baldi handed her the diploma and Emily blushed taking it, "congratulations for your success. You deserve it, Emily," Baldi winked smiling.

"This is greaaaaat!" Bully cheered.

"WOW! Great job!" Playtime cheered.

"Awesome!!!" Beans cheered.

Arts and Crafters just smiled.

"I will miss you, friend," First Prize said.

"Is this wonderful, Principal? Your daughter is the first person to ever graduate from Here School," Ms Pomp smiled.

"Sure...she finally out of the house though." Principal said.

Miss Pomp frowned at him when he said that. He obviously didn't care for her.

Emily smiled and Baldi then hugged her happily, "you did fantastic, so proud of you."

Emily smiled at Baldi and hugged him back. "Thanks to you, Mr Baldi. I am happy you were my teacher."

Baldi smiled. But now he truly was going to miss her.

That night, Emily and Baldi went to celebrate her graduation at a nice restaurant. Playtime, Beans, Bulky, Arts and Crafters, First Prize, Gotta Sweep Sweep, Miss Pomp, Dr Reflex, Jimmy and Johnny came with them also. Baldi came with the idea for Emily's graduation celebration. It meant a lot to Emily that all her friends and teachers came together for her celebration. Everyone, but her father the Principal. He didn't come after the ceremony. It was obvious. He never cared or loved her. After the party everyone left and Baldi and Emily were the only ones left.

Emily was so happy that she wrapped her arms around Baldi. She was definitely going to miss him. "I really don't want to leave."

Baldi smiled and ruffled her hair, "aw. How sweet?" He chuckled, "you can always visit me and the others during summer vacation. I really want you to go to a good school and spread that talent of yours. Arts and literature. You don't need to do more math," Baldi chuckled. He then remembered something, "oh wait! I got you something."

Baldi hands her a box. Emily blushed and opened it, "you didn't have to, Mr Baldi." Once she opened it, she saw a raggedy doll that looked like Baldi.

"It's mini me." Baldi chuckled, "incase you feel lonely, you can hug and hold mini me when you also miss me."

Emily smiled and held him. "He even has your ruler."

"He does?" Baldi checked, "oh I guess he does."

"Thank you, Mr Baldi." She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him happily. Baldi gagged her back smiling.

"You're welcome, Emily...and...I'm gonna miss you too."

"...I'm...I'm afraid to go home tonight, I really don't want to go home tonight," Emily replied.

Baldi could understand. All because of what Principal said about her. He then held her face and brushed a tear away from her cheek with his thumb. " want stay...with me tonight?"

"...are you, alright that?"

"I am if you are? You can sleep in the guest room." Baldi reassured her.

"Alright. Thank you, Mr Baldi."

Baldi smiled at her, "of course."

Once they got to his house, Baldi went to Principal's house, but snuck in Emily's bedroom window to get her bags of luggage.

He got back out without being spotted and set it in the guest room while she was asleep. He noticed her holding the doll he gave her. He then smiled and walked out.

Baldi's Basics: Baldi x Emily (oc) [Baldi's Basics, Viktor, Miss Circle)Where stories live. Discover now