Chapter 5: Summer Freedom

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    For so long, Emily stayed in this school. Even during the summer. Emily was 20 years older now, her hair was dyed from brown to white and half bottom was bright blue. She wanted to change her look, but so did Viktor. He wanted her to be unrecognizable. She lot so much weight. All because of her depression. She barely ate. The only time she did eat, it would be at Viktor's home, since he forced her to live with him.

Emily was trapped. It was summer now and Viktor locked the house making sure she won't leave. He did this every summer vacation. And he would abuse her and torture her in every way.

Just then Laura, the head teacher came in. "Miss Emily?"

Emily turned to her, "...yes?"

"Mr Strobovski made some changes. He said since you have behaved, you are allowed to be out of the school."

Emily was surprised. And a bit of confused, "he is letting me go for the summer?"

"Yes, but you can't run away. Otherwise he will go after everyone in Here School." Laura reminded her.

Of course...

Emily nodded and Laura walked out. Emily packed her bag and then Viktor came to her, "I hope this means you won't break our deal."

"N-no sir."

"....good girl. I expect you come back in August. Otherwise, you know..."

"Yes sir," Emily nodded looking down.

Viktor gripped her chin and made her look into his eyes under his mask. He then smirked at her, "that's a good girl,l. I really don't want to loose my top student."

Emily shivered and didn't dare open her eyes shaking.

"Give me a kiss before you leave?"

Emily pressed her lips on Viktor's mask lips. Viktor smirked under the mask.

"I love it when you listen to me, my girl." Viktor smirked. "I will miss you and I can't wait to see you when you come back, you better come back. If you don't..."

"I-I will hurt my friends and old teachers..."

"Not just them, mostly Mr Baldi." Viktor smirked.

"You don't have to worry...I will come back, Mr Strobovski."

"Good girl...enjoy your summer vacation ~~~"

Baldi's Basics: Baldi x Emily (oc) [Baldi's Basics, Viktor, Miss Circle)Where stories live. Discover now