Chapter 9: Develop Feelings/Camping

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This chapter contains: a swear word, sexual themes

"Please can I least stay for a couple days? Just one last time. I did what you wanted. I just want to spend one last time with my friends. And I really didn't get a chance to."

Viktor was getting angry at this point. He then sighed, "fine. But don't touch my pathetic little step brother! If I find out you both did something...I will seriously hurt him. And you will watch."

"...," Emily nodded sadly. "Yes. There will be nothing going on between us. I promise you that." But she just knew she would break that promise. She cared for Baldi too much and now they find out they have feelings for each other. She rather be with her old teacher than her abusive professor.

"Good, little pet. You better remember who owns you. Not that bald headed professor."

"N-no sir...y-you do."

Good," he smiled under his white mask. "Then you may with them. But one last time. I suppose you want to help my little step brother with the children at camp? So you will be camping?"


"I see. Make sure you have a separate tent from him. Don't let him share."

Emily nodded, "Yes, Mr Strobvoski."

"Good, little pet~. Now since you will be gone for awhile...I like one last kiss...before my little girl leaves."

Emily shivered. She leaned in and kissed him against his masked lips. She then pulled back, but Viktor held her in position as if he wanted it longer. "I gave you...a kiss...I'm..."

Viktor ignored her muffling and kissed her more. He then broke the kiss and smirked. "Sorry, little pet. Master is just going to miss you."

"C-can I please go now?"

"Eager, aren't we?" He chuckled, "alright, go on. Have fun camping." He chuckled again.

She grabbed her backpack and walked out of the hotel. She felt somewhat free and happy she didn't have to deal with Viktor for a couple of days.

She finally got to Here School and there Baldi was there doing roll call by the school bus. He stopped and saw Emily.

"Hey it's the nice lady that gave us gum and chocolate!" Beans smiled.

Baldi's Basics: Baldi x Emily (oc) [Baldi's Basics, Viktor, Miss Circle)Where stories live. Discover now