Chapter 14: You Broke the Deal

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    "No!" Emily screamed as Laura dragged her down the dark, dirty and evil looking hallway to the detention area

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    "No!" Emily screamed as Laura dragged her down the dark, dirty and evil looking hallway to the detention area. She screamed kicked and tried to run from the head teacher's grip as she continued dragging her.

Viktor walked behind them making sure she wouldn't escape. His arms crossed behind his back, his red eye staring her like a hawking staring down his prey.

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(Image of Mr Mix belongs to: meow)

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(Image of Mr Mix belongs to: meow)

Soon Laura opened the large metal door and threw Emily inside. Viktor walked in and then Laura slammed the large metal door closed. She stayed by the door since Viktor was just going to talk to Emily before leaving. At this time as well, Mr Cleany-Clean and Mr Mix were disposing the rest of Principal of the Thing from the previous room Viktor and Emily were in.

Viktor then grabbed Emily roughly by her hair and made her to stand up.

"Let go of me!!!" Emily screamed, "LET ME GO!!!"

"Now now now, my pet," Viktor said calmly, yet sinister, "You been very naughty lately. So I am going to have you in here while I visit my little step-brother."

"NOOO!" Emily cried out, "PLEASE DON'T HURT MR BALDI!"

Viktor chuckled. "Oh? And why not? You broke our deal. You made love to him, when it should've been ME!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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Baldi's Basics: Baldi x Emily (oc) [Baldi's Basics, Viktor, Miss Circle)Where stories live. Discover now