Chapter 8: Viktor is Angry

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This chapter contains: blood, abuse, r*pe, forced s*x, and demonic behavior

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This chapter contains: blood, abuse, r*pe, forced s*x, and demonic behavior

"Emily...please don't go to him. He not a good person and I know because I grew up with him," Baldi told Emily.

Emily looked down. "I'm sorry, Mr Baldi...but I have to...for your safety."

Baldi held her face, "forget about my safety. I'm worried about yours. He just wants to use you."

"You think I don't know that!? I'm doing this for you and everyone in Here! I can't let him hurt you..."

Baldi sighed looking down. Emily then wrapped her arms around him and he hugged her. "Please don't. I don't need saving, Emily."

"I have to...," she said holding his face. She then kissed his nose and walked out tearing up. Baldi dropped his head down tearing up. He knew this wasn't good, and he needed to help her.

Emily finally came to the hotel where Viktor was waiting for her. He aggressively grabbed her arm and growled at her, "you went behind my back and went to visit him when I told you no!"

"It was just a visit! Just a visit! I missed them, I just wanted to see them one more time!!!" Emily cried.

"SHUT UP!" Viktor then slammed her onto the floor and she cried. "We had a deal! The deal was you would NEVER go near them again!!! You're mine, Emily! MINE!!! Not that pathetic step brother of mine!!! You belong to only me!"

Viktor snatched her chin and roughly lifted her up squeezing her face once his hand changed to a black clawing hand and wrapped his fingers around her face. She teared up and shut her eyes.

"Did you kiss him? TELL ME!!!"

"N-N-No!" Emily lied.

"You better not be lying to me, Emily."

"I'm not...I'm not!!!" Emily screamed in pain as he squeezed her face tighter.

Viktor took her lie as if she was telling her truth. He then threw her down to the floor again. Emily broke down shaking and covered her face not daring to look up at Viktor. He then looked down at her used his magic to hold her down. "Good, but I still need to remind you who owns you, pet~"

Emily shut her eyes again shaking as Viktor takes his shirt off, pulling it over his head. He leaned over her and grabbed her face roughly.

"Always so scared and you're so fragile. It turns me on seeing you so afraid, my pet~"

"Please don't...I know I belong to you...please don't do this," Emily begged, still crying.

"No, you still need to know that you are mine."

Viktor then took off his mask and bite down her neck making her whine in pain. Blood trickled down her neck as he continued to bite down her neck hard. He then licked the blood on her neck. His claws reached down to her shirt and ripped it off along with her bra. Emily kept her eyes shut shaking. Viktor then bite down on one of her breasts so they bleed. He then licked the blood. He then switched to the other one doing the same. He came to her pants and clawed at them along with her panties and took them off.

"All this...belongs to me." Viktor growled, "these," he squeezed her breast, "mine... and this," he slide one of his claws between her legs making her whine. She always did when he touched her there, "Also mine..."

Viktor then licked her face as his claw stroked her cilt. Emily whimpered and shook her head crying. Viktor frowned and grabbed her face. "Don't shake your head at me, you slut!"

Emily started to cry softly, but kept her eyes shut.

Viktor then inserted one of his fingers in her causing her to cry in pain. "Moan. Moan, my pet. Otherwise I will hurt you~~"

Emily teared up, but moaned softly. Just to please him.

"Such a slut...," Viktor chuckled softly. "Yes moan, my little pet. You do love it."

Emily didn't, but she had to protect her friends...even Baldi. Remembering the kiss her and Baldi shared, she missed his lips against hers. His chest heaving against hers when he pushed her against the wall. She felt free, safe, truly loved, and it was from someone that she trusted. She truly missed Baldi. She wished she was never Principal's daughter. It was her father's fault. He took her to Viktor. This was his doing! He always hated her and wished she was never born.

Viktor pulled out his finger and licked the juices off. "Tastes like a wh*re~ but my wh*re."

Emily knew what was next now. She hated this so much that it disgusted her. Viktor stood up and unbuckled his pants and removed his boxers. "You know what your job is."

He then sat on the edge of the bed and motioned her to come. Emily shivered and stood up. Once she walked up to him, Viktor pushed her down and held her by her hair.

"Do it, your master wants you to make him happy, pet~"

Emily teared up. She then took it and pushed his massive member in her mouth. She always gaged and it was too big for her to deep throat it. She started to choke, but Viktor held her head to make her hold it in her mouth.

"Don't stop...master wants you to continue...," Viktor moaned as she tried to suck it and lick him.

Emily cried as she get suck on him and soon he started to thrust in her mouth.

"Oh god...," Viktor moaned. "Such a good little slut! Such a good little pet~~~"

He then sped up making Emily cry and whined.

"Ah, fuck!" Viktor cried, "Oh, master is gonna cum, little pet~~~"

Emily whimpered and gaged once she felt him cum in her mouth. He then pulled out and a white substance trickled the corners of her mouth. He then grabbed her arm and threw her down on the bed. She started to cry once he was over her again and slammed into her. "AH!" Emily cried. Everytime it made her cry in pain for how aggressive he was.

Viktor gripped her neck and thrusted in her hard and rough making the poor girl cry. "Ahhh...yes...."

He leaned down licking her the side of her face and she whimpered.

He then sped up. Went harder. Clawed her. Bite her. Emily broke down. She was in so much pain. Finally he cried out and came.

"Still can't hold it in. Maybe I will make you come," Viktor held her face tightly.

Emily teared up as he sped up and went hard than before. "Come on now, my little pet, CUM! Cum for your master!"

Emily cried and whimpered. She tried to hold herself in. Viktor stole her virginity ever since she made the deal. And her body was still acting crazy. "N-no...I-I can't!"

"You better...or will kill that pathetic bald professor!"

Emily didn't want that. She closed her eyes and finally gave in. She then started to cry as Viktor pulled out.

"Good, little pet~. That wasn't so hard now was it?"

Baldi's Basics: Baldi x Emily (oc) [Baldi's Basics, Viktor, Miss Circle)Where stories live. Discover now