Chapter 13: Baldi's Cousin

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     "What the heck do you want?"

"Still harsh I hear, cous'," Baldi smirked while he was on the phone.

"...Baldi? What's up little guy?"

"Little!? I'm not little!"

"Yes you are. And bit silly nose on your silly face you are."

Baldi frowned, "Circle."

"You have a funny face. I always like it."


"Say have you tried these sweet cookies called Oreos? They are very delicious."

"Yes I have. Miss Circle, I need you—"

"Really? Has everyone tried them?!"

"YES! Miss Circle, I need your help!!!"

"...geesh. You could've just ask. Not yell. What do you need help with?"

"It's Viktor. Viktor Strobvoski. He took Emily away, Principal maybe dead, and now my school is in trouble."

"Did you say Viktor? Oh no...I can't help. Not him again."

"What!? Why!!??"

"You see...uh," Miss Circle was shaking nervously, "alright I will be honest. A few years back, we got into a fight. I heard he was the one that made false accusations of me killing my students because of my past. I have changed and you helped me of course, but after I changed, a student of mine ended up missing. People told each other that I killed that student. After I was fired from my job, Viktor and I ran into each other and he asked me how was life being not a serial killer teacher. And made an evil smile as if hinting me he was the one who made the false accusations on me. I was so made that I wanted to kill him. So I attacked him, but the police got involved. They didn't believe my side that he cause the accusations, but they did know I wasn't a person of interest anymore. They let me go, but told me if I came close to Viktor again, he will get a restraining order on me."

Baldi was stunned by this. Viktor made those false accusations on their cousin!? Did he also kill the student of hers? That worried him. It would be something Viktor would do.

"So I can't help you. I'm sorry."

"Circle! Please! He has my old student! Emily Thing! He is now coming for my school to kill me and God knows what he will do to my friends and students! I need you and Miss Blooming's help!" Baldi begged, "screw his threats. If I can't save my Emily, he will hurt her and I would never forgive myself!"

"...I'm really sorry about that, cous', but I really can't help you. I wish you a lot of luck. I'm sorry." And then she hung up.

Baldi dropped his head tearing up.

Miss Pomp and Dr Reflex looked at him worriedly.

Baldi then gritted his teeth. His fist tightened into a ball, "he knew....he knew I would call her for help. He planned this!" He then whipped his phone and papers off his desk. Dr Reflex and Miss Pomp rushed over to him to restrain him.


"HE F*CKING PLANNED THIS!!! HE F*CKING KNEW!!!" Baldi screamed as they held him back from having his meltdown. Baldi dropped to his knees and threw his arms around Miss Pomp sobbing his eyes out.

Miss Pomp wrapped her arms around him and tried to comfort him, "it's ok, Mr Baldi. It's ok."

Dr Reflex watched worriedly as Baldi sobbed uncontrollably on Miss Pomp. The poor English teacher tried her best to comfort him. She was taking by surprise when he threw his arms around her, but she knew he needed someone to comfort him because of him fearing of loosing Emily.

"Shhh, it's ok. It's ok, we will think of something, Mr Baldi. We will save Emily. Don't worry."

"Of course, we will find another way," Dr Reflex added in.

Baldi's Basics: Baldi x Emily (oc) [Baldi's Basics, Viktor, Miss Circle)Where stories live. Discover now