Chapter Two - Scouting and Selection

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On the ships, the vikings had reached the foggy place they went to before, in the previously failed attempt to take the nest the previous time. And while Stoick looked out on the blinded horizon, he would call out orders until he was approached by another viking.

Phlegma: "Erm, Stoick?"

Stoick: "What is it Phlegma?..."

Phlegma: "Is everything alright?... You've had your nose incredibly out of joint after what Hiccup revealed and now this?... Is there any reason to it at all?"

Stoick: "The plan is simple Phlegma... Find the nest, destroy it and kill the dragons off..."

Phlegma: "I know but why attack now? It doesn't seem... You know... Quite as planned out as the last few times we did this..."

Stoick: "Why are you questioning me about this?"

Phlegma: "You've hardly said a word besides barking orders at us, even Spitelout is getting concerned..."

He just ignores her, and continues to stare out into the fog.

Phlegma: "Did something else happen with Hiccup?..."

Stoick: "Don't ever mention his name again..."

Phlegma: "What? Why?..."

Stoick: "He's nothing to do with me anymore..."

Another viking on his ship who hears this, then approaches Stoick with a question.

Hoark: "Stoick?... Did you disown your boy?... Over this?..."

Stoick: "Well I'm not holding a banner about it but yes... He sided with the dragons and now my credibility here is just about ruined..."

Spitelout: "Well good riddance I say, that kid's been nothing but trouble, I just hope he hasn't influenced my boy-o to do something similar."

Phlegma: "Hey! Don't you start Spitelout, or I'll toss you overboard!"

Stoick: "Everyone shut up! This isn't helping... Just get back to the search."

He barked out as everyone with disapproving, tense or frightened looks continue to manage their posts. Avoiding sea stacks, and keeping an eye out for any dragons that would try to approach.

Meanwhile back on Berk, Hiccup and Astrid reach the arena, eyeing off a cage thinking about the dragon that would suit her best, as well as trying to look for Toothless.

Astrid: "This is... Definitely crazy..."

Hiccup: "Like I said earlier Astrid, crazy is what we do best here."

They then hears footsteps approaching, which Hiccup didn't anticipate since everyone else had left the island. After a few seconds they stop, and as they turn around to look who it was, they see the other four dragon training students. One of them, Fishlegs, then starts to speak.

Fishlegs: "If you're planning on getting eaten, I'd definitely go with the Gronckle."

Astrid: "What are you guys doing here? And why would you say something like that Fishlegs?"

Fishlegs: "Sorry... Group anger makes me nervous and I'm just trying to fit in with it..."

Hiccup: "Save your breath... It's not like you'll be using it much to curse me out anyway..."

Snotlout: "What even are you planning?"

Hiccup: "Self imposed exile... It's better off this way given the circumstances, and don't you guys try and talk me out of it... There's nothing left for me here on Berk, I'm essentially just another mouth to feed and I've just eaten my last morsel..."

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