Chapter Seventeen - Bitter Blossoms

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It seems to be another average day on the Isle of Berk, Gobber working away in his blacksmith stall solving a Gronckle's toothache, Bucket and Mulch doing another round of fishing, and Stoick taking a general tour of the island with Phlegma still clinging to him. But then, a few metres from the port, a ship approaches with a bunch of knick knacks on board, one that the fishermen recognise.

Bucket: "Trader Johann's here? Trader Johann!"

He squeals excitedly as he rows back to the harbour, hearing the call, the rest of the villagers rush down to greet him as well. Johann then moors up and lowers the gangplank, signifying his stop over at his regular trade locale.

Johann: "Ah, Berk. My favourite of all the islands I travel to."

Bucket: "Where did you go this time Trader Johann?"

Johann: "Oh, Bucket. The things I've seen, the people I've met, I'd need a week to regale you. But alas, we have limited time to conduct our business together. Whatever it is you're looking for, I can assure you, you'll find it here!"

He calls out as he stands on a chest by the rear of his ship. And as the vikings come around, one by one to collect various trinkets, Gobber arrives picking up a sheet of purple fabric, and Stoick toying with a sword.

Johann: "Oh say, chief Stoick? Would you happen to know where Hiccup and his little friends are? I have a checklist of their most wanted items on board."

Stoick: "Oh right, you haven't heard because of your travels... He's living in a place called Dragon's Edge, north east of Berk."

Gobber: "You can't miss it, half of it's populated by dragons!"

Johann: "That would explain the Terrible Terror flying onto my ship."

He replies as it pops out from behind the mast, letting out a tiny roar.

Stoick: "Yes, I'm still quite sad that he's not coming home, but it seems he's made his choice, anyway, what shall I give you for this sword?"

Gobber: "Och, another one to add to the collection?"

Stoick: "Valhalla no, Gobber, I'm heading off to my yearly meeting with the chief of the Shivering Shores, and this is a gift for him, since the last man who showed up without a gift, left without a head."

Gobber: "Ah, seems sensible..."

Johann: "Oh you are too kind chief Stoick. It is only your good graces that I desire, when my humble ship passes through the lovely Isle of Berk."

Stoick: "Heh-heh, you'll always be welcome on our shores Johann, I'll be back in five days."

Gobber: "You know if you took Hiccup's advice and rode a dragon, you'd be there in two."

Stoick: "Eh, not my style."

He proclaims immediately shutting down the idea as he loads up a boat thanks to some help from Hoark, Phlegma and Spitelout. As all this happens, Gobber shakes his head and turns back to Johann, making a deal on the fabric. Meanwhile at the Edge, Hiccup had managed to find a dragon for Heather to train and the group began running another training exercise. This particular exercise was an obstacle course, with the main idea again being trust. Having discovered Toothless's echolocation ability, Hiccup was more confident about finishing the course, but was more so worried about the others.

Snotlout: "Hey! What are you doing!?"

He screams out as the dragon rams him into a tree branch.

Snotlout: "Are you trying to kill me!? Because if so, you missed a branch, so we have to go back!"

Hookfang takes advantage of this by flying into another section of trees, this time with an overgrowth, making the young viking come away with twigs and leaves all over his face and helmet.

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