Chapter Twenty - Chain Of Command

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After receiving word from Hiccup about a new training module, the Riders fly off to the location specified as a clearing on the east side of the island. Upon arriving they only see Hiccup making a Night Fury call.

Snotlout: "Really? Really? You called us, all the way out to the middle of nowhere, just so you can demonstrate your ridiculous call?"

As Hiccup finishes his roar and begins to speak, Toothless runs up to him, scooping him up and placing him on the saddle. This performance enables Hiccup to operate the tail fin again as they fly up and loop back down to the ground.

Fishlegs: "Oh! Are we doing rescue manoeuvres again?"

Hiccup: "We sure are, this time, focussing on what happens when you and your dragon are separated and you end up in a bind."

Astrid: "Ah, that's why we were practicing our dragon calls."

Hiccup: "Correct! And I'm sure you've all done this exercise, right?"

As Hiccup asks this, everyone but Snotlout nods.

Hiccup: "Figures you'd let the side down Snotlout..."

Snotlout: "I just don't see the point!"

Tuffnut: "And yet you're always falling off your dragon."

He mutters to himself jokingly, but Hiccup hears this and smirks.

Hiccup: "Well, thank you both, for volunteering yourselves to do this exercise first."

Ruffnut: "Way to go brother..."

Hiccup: "So you guys both stand right where I am, Astrid, can you lead Barf and Belch to where Toothless started? There should be scorch marks about 60 feet away from here."

Astrid: "Got it."

She and Stormfly lead the Zippleback to where Toothless's mark was, and the twins trade places with Hiccup.

Hiccup: "Alright now try calling out for your dragon, if you get stuck, Fishlegs can help you."

Tuffnut: "What?"

Hiccup: "Go ahead."

Ruffnut: "I got this bro, we both just need to roar as loud as we can, make it sound like a burp!"

Tuffnut: "Oh, okay, now I'm with you sis."

They both clear their throats and execute the roar, sounding pretty close to Barf and Belch's call. This prompts the dragon to fly in, grabbing them both by the scruffs of their collars, and swinging them onto the saddles. They do a similar trick, and land behind the rest of the teens.

Hiccup: "Impressive work, gross imagery, but impressive. Alright, who's next?"

Astrid: "Step aside, boys."

Heather: "You go, girl!"

She walks up to where Hiccup stood, and Stormfly takes Toothless's mark. She does her nadder call and Stormfly rushes in. Allowing Astrid to grab onto her neck and swing around forwards, landing on the saddle and flying up, then back down. Finishing the move with a small blast of fire and perching off to the side of the stoney ground.

Snotlout: "Does Astrid's dragon ever remind you guys of a chicken?"

Astrid: "What was that Snotlout?"

Snotlout: "Agh! Nothing, nothing..."

Astrid: "I sure hope it was nothing, otherwise I'd tie you to a stake and rotisserie you!"

Ruffnut: "Anyone else craving barbecued chicken now?"

Tuffnut: "Oh, I don't eat chicken anymore."

Snotlout: "Huh? How come?"

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