Chapter Fourteen - Gone Berserk

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Another day, another training exercise, this time based on trust. Hiccup had led the riders to an area of open water, a safe distance from Dragon's Edge, to run a drill on what to do if you fall off your dragon. A point he doesn't mention to the group, but decides to demonstrate, by searching for a safe area to roll from.

Snotlout: "Can someone explain why we're up here?"

Astrid: "It's another training exercise Snotlout, but I have no clue what for..."

Tuffnut: "Maybe it's an altitude thing."

Everyone looks to tuffnut in surprise.

Snotlout: "A, what?"

Tuffnut: "Altitude, you know, so you won't get too sick or dizzy if you fly to high in the air."

Hiccup: "Okay who are you and what have you done with Tuffnut?"

Fishlegs: "That was surprisingly intellectual of you, Tuffnut"

Tuffnut: "Inte-what?"

More stunned silence from the teens, before Fishlegs pipes up again.

Fishlegs: "Forget I said anything..."

Hiccup: "Well no it doesn't have to do with altitude sickness, but more so another issue that could plague riders and dragons alike."

Ruffnut: "Well what is this tip then headmaster?"

Hiccup: "Watch and learn Ruffnut."

He calls out before, undoing his buckle and turns to Toothless.

Hiccup: *whispering* "You know the plan bud?"

The dragon lets out a pensive grunt as Hiccup takes his peg leg out of the stirrups and bends to the right, falling off, prompting Toothless to follow suit.

Astrid: "Hiccup!"

Fishlegs: "Oh no!"

They begin to call out as Toothless swoops down to catch Hiccup who lands back in the saddle and realigns his gear. A sigh of relief, exhaled by both Astrid and Fishlegs, while the twins call out 'again'. Hiccup then rejoins the group.

Snotlout: "You there, my man, are insane!"

Hiccup: "Airbourne rescue manoeuvres! Essential for any rider's safety, as well as a trust exercise with your dragons."

Astrid: "And you thought that giving me a heart attack was the right way to go about it!?"

Hiccup: "Well I knew you'd never go for that Astrid, but how else was I supposed to go about this one?"

Astrid: "You are so getting a punch in the shoulder when we land..."

Hiccup: "Love you too babe, now anyone else want to give it a go?"

Fishlegs: "Is that why we're out in open water?"

Hiccup: "Yep, because no-one wants to be cleaning anyone off the ground and I also don't want a barrage of complaints from Berkians that a dragon has gone through their home."

Snotlout: "Alright, let the true riding duo show you how it's done! Whoo-hoo!"

He calls out as he leans to the side, falling off of Hookfang. Strangely the dragon doesn't even recognise he fell off.

Fishlegs: "Um shouldn't someone tell Hookfang that-?"

Ruffnut: "Nah let him hang, I want to see how long it lasts"

Hiccup, fed up with Snotlout's indifference, flies Toothless next to Hookfang to subtly remind him that he's missing something.

Hiccup: "Er, Hookfang? Your rider?"

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