Chapter Thirteen - Art Imitates Life (Poorly)

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Called to Berk again, the Dragon Riders begin leading a class in the new Dragon Academy arena for the younger generations of Vikings, while Hiccup stands with Stoick in the Great Hall, holding a shield as they pose for a portrait. All the while Hiccup was wondering how he ended up agreeing to this, as Bucket curses about the depth and the angles being incorrect and bad brush strokes.

Bucket: "Agh! I used the wrong colour there!..."

Stoick: "It's okay Bucket, it can easily be fixed."

Bucket: "Easy for you to say chief, meanwhile I need this to be perfect."

Stoick: "It will, just take a deep breath and try again."

Hiccup: "I never figured Bucket to be a perfectionist when it comes to art..."

Gobber: "He's always had a keen eye for it, only amplified after his accident."

Bucket continues the painting as Gobber steps back, and Stoick instructs Hiccup to puff out his chest and bring his chin up. Eventually the painting was finished and ready to reveal to the public, by this point the teens had finished their class. Hiccup stood eagerly yet nervously next to Stoick as Mulch began to announce the newest art piece.

Mulch: "Now without further ado, we present to you, the chief of Berk and his eventual successor!"

Hiccup felt an uneasy shiver as Mulch pulls away the tarp from the decorated shield. Scattered 'ooh's and 'aah's could be heard from the audience as they take a look, Hiccup then sees it and his expression changes from nervous and excited, to shocked as he saw what he'd been turned into.

Hiccup: "What?... But..."

Stoick: "Ah Bucket you've outdone yourself, this piece is amazing!"

Hiccup: "But it's not me, dad..."

Stoick: "Sure it is, just a little bit... You know... Bigger..."

Hiccup: "Okay and why is my actual leg there? Where is the peg leg?"

Bucket: "I couldn't work with a metal limb on a grey background kiddo."

Mulch: "Now that's the son of a chief!"

As they continue celebrating and Hiccup watches on in horror and and eventual depression, the Dragon Riders eye off the painting with looks of confusion and admiration.

Tuffnut: "Whoa, what happened to Hiccup?"

Ruffnut: "Who cares? He looks hot."

Hiccup: "Oh come on, guys..."

Snotlout: "She's right Hiccup, it actually makes you look more distinguished and less like a fishbone."

Fishlegs: "Hey cut it out Snotlout! He may not be strong in the traditional sense but he's still brave and heroic as he is."

Hiccup: "Thank you Fishlegs, at least there's someone in my corner... You have anything to add Astri-?"

He stops himself as he still sees her smiling at the painting.

Hiccup: "Are you serious!?"

Snotlout: "I think you just got told chief."

Hiccup: "Great... Great, no fantastic!... Glad to know this is what the people I could rely on the most, think of me..."

He laments as he walks away, looking and feeling downtrodden, before people start noticing he had disappeared.

Hoark: "Say, where's the man of the hour gone?"

Stoick: "I-I don't know..."

Astrid: "Oh dear... I'll be right back guys..."

She explains to the riders as she to exits the Great Hall looking for Hiccup, meanwhile Snotlout notices a slip of paper hiding behind a portrait of Hamish II and his father, and sneaks it out from behind everyone's backs. Hiccup meanwhile sits at the bottom of the stairwell outside the great hall, twiddling his thumbs and staring out to the horizon with a heavy sigh, up until Astrid comes along playfully punching him in the shoulder.

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