Chapter Ten - Something To Celebrate

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While the Dragon riders set the eggs in peoples helmets and sacks, Hiccup was still caught on the Gronckle Express to Odin knows where. Clinging to meatlug so he wouldn't fall off, as he was not used to her flying style compared to toothless, and wondered how Fishlegs did it. Along the way, they got stuck in the fog and Meatlug would deftly dodge sea stacks and shipwrecks, all while her passenger constantly shrieked and exclaimed.

Hiccup: "Okay, Meatlug seriously, where are we going?"

He would ask before coming face to face with another shipwreck that Meatlug would fly above, going higher until they were both out of the fog. Eventually arriving at a beautifully bright coloured island, filled with ponds, wells, rock beds and nests, and as Meatlug landed and Hiccup disembarked, he saw the rest of the dragons from Berk with a bunch of little dragons around them, eventually clicking in his mind that this is the island where dragons care for their newborns.

Hiccup: "You guys come here to have your babies..."

He says to himself in surprise as he watches a Nadder feeding her babies, then turning to see a Gronckle pushing her eggs around. Curious, Hiccup decides to walk over and take look, seeing this dragon pushing her eggs into a small well, watching them hatch underwater and seeing little baby Gronckles swim to the surface and climb out to greet their mother.

Hiccup: "Aww~ Hi little guy, wow, this is amazing."

He stated as he watched the Gronckle hugging her kids, then seeing another egg that was about to hatch.

Hiccup: Oh, hey. Look over here, you missed one-"

He would begin to announce to the Gronckle, not realising she was running away until the egg blew up in his face with a massive fireball. Exclaiming loudly after he got knocked back towards the side of the gully, and seeing the baby make a hard landing on the ground with a yawn.

Hiccup: "Man, it's a good thing those don't hatch on Berk, or on Dragon's Edge... Wait... If all the dragons left to have babies, and Meatlug was stuck in the Ingerman house for four days... Then that would mean- Oh no..."

He began to think out loud as he got back on his feet to continue looking around. Meanwhile back on Berk, Astrid and the rest of the teenagers had delivered the last of the eggs, blissfully unaware of what was going to happen afterwards, as one of them had already started smoking up in the sack Astrid placed it in.

Astrid: "Okay I know we've had a rocky few stunts there but wasn't this a great idea guys?"

Fishlegs: "Uh-huh, everyone is going to be so surprised!"

He squees in excitement as the rest of them nod before an explosion occurs. Blasting the door off of the hut that the egg was in, and whacking Fishlegs in the face, causing him to fall backwards.

Snotlout: "Surprise!"

Snotlout sarcastically jokes, before the baby Gronckle lands on Fishlegs, giving off a yawn after sitting on his chest.

Tuffnut/Ruffnut/Snotlout: "Aww"

Astrid: "The eggs, explode?"

She asks in shock as she hears more explosions, blowing the roofs off of houses. And with that her shock turns to fear and embarrassment.

Astrid: "The eggs EXPLODE!"

As more of the eggs blow up and carnage is strewn across the village, Astrid could only muster a few scattered apologies to the villagers, who were all running around, looking for cover, while the dragon babies gather in the centre of the island. As the screaming and explosions continue, with resulting fireballs engulfing the makeshift tree, the teenagers continue to watch in shock and awe.

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