Chapter Fifteen - Keeping The Peace?

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Unaware of the chaos happening around them, involving the search for a Zippleback dragon, Stoick and Gobber begin showing Dagur around the armoury warehouse, where he immediately begins swinging maces, axes, and swords.

Dagur: "You want some of this!? Gronckle!? Gah! How about you, Nadder!? Huhh! That's right, plead, plead for your pathetic dragon life!"

He cries out to himself as he flings the sword into a shield display that Gobber and Stoick stood near.

Gobber: "He really does have a handle on this whole 'Deranged' thing..."

Dagur continues to swing around more weapons while chortling, unaware that Stoick is about to blow his top, pulling the sword out of the display.

Stoick: "Well I'm about to make him eat this sword..."

Gobber: "Ah, why don't we see to signing that treaty now?..."

Dagur: "E-yuck! You sound like my father... 'Sign the treaty Dagur!' 'Leave that chicken alone Dagur! *Gasp* 'Put down that axe Dagur!' Every time..."

Stoick: "Your father is a great man, and I'll not have you disrespect him!"

Dagur: "Small correction there Stoick the plump, my father was a COWARD! I intend to return the Berserkers to their former glory. Something he was incapable of doing."

Stoick: "Did you just make a crack about my weight!?"

Gobber: "Now Stoick, don't retaliate..."

With the group unaware of his presence, Hiccup listened in on the conversation, still holding the papers and whispers to himself.

Hiccup: "Oh... This is bad... Never make a joke about a fat man in power... And here I thought the Zippleback would be harder to deal with... How did Astrid and heather do that by the way?... I might have to ask once I get home..."

Stoick: "Hiccup?"

Hiccup: "Oh, hey dad, I was just on my way to the Great Hall, set these down in front of Dagur's chair, check the progress on the feast, preparation stuff..."

Stoick: "Hmm... Okay... Oh and make sure that Heather girl is still available by the time we're finished here."

Hiccup: "I'll... Make a note of it, anyway, I'll see you up there! Lots to do!"

He calls out as he runs off to the great hall, wondering to himself why Stoick is being so cagey about Heather, almost as if he knew something about her that he didn't want to share. He decided not to press it though and continued his run as he noticed Snotlout rushing towards the cove. Meanwhile Dagur seemed to have picked up on something odd about Hiccup, turning to Stoick with an intense look of curiosity on his face.

Dagur: "You know... Something seems quite different about Hiccup..."

Stoick: "I... Don't know what you mean Dagur."

Dagur: "Oh come on you haven't noticed it? It's right in front of your face!"

Stoick: "I'll have you know that my son is-"

Dagur: "Missing a leg? What happened to it?"

Stoick: "Oh... So that's what you meant..."

Dagur: "It's okay, you don't have to explain, I heard all about his skirmish with the Red Death."

Stoick: "That doesn't sound like Hiccup, he could barely wield an axe."

Dagur: "That's what I thought too! But then I heard about him, 'training dragons', and it got me quite tingly..."

Gobber: "Trained dragons? Whatever gave you that idea? How would one go about it?"

Dagur: "I don't know... How would one?"

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