Chapter Nineteen - Dragon Smelter

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Two days had passed after the Flightmare battle, another flight with the dragons. This time however due to surveillance of a supposed ship off the harbour, belonging to the Outcasts. Everyone raced ahead in an attempt to catch them out, but Meatlug and Fishlegs, were lagging behind. Astrid turned behind her noticing this, but continued on with a sigh. Heather seemingly unaware due to a newfound determination to defeat them for what they've done to her home and family, and the rest simply not caring. Eventually they halt, seeing nothing in the sea, assuming the Outcasts to have left before they could arrive.

Snotlout: "We missed it!"

Feeling defeated they all land up on top of a sea stack near the island.

Astrid: "It was headed this way! it must have outrun us..."

Hiccup: "But how does an Outcast ship, outrun our dragons?"

He asks as Fishlegs and Meatlug land on the sea stack.

Snotlout: "That's how chief..."

Fishlegs: "Whoo! We were really moving girl. What'd we miss?"

Snotlout: "It's not what you missed Fishface, it's what we all missed!"

Hiccup: "Snotlout..."

Snotlout: "What? I'm just calling it like I see it."

Hiccup: "And you're doing this again, after the third time I told you it was wrong to do that? Why do you never listen to me?"

Snotlout: "Well think about it Hiccup, if we didn't have slow and really, really slow holding us back, I don't know, maybe we'd have a chance to actually do what we set out to do!"

Hiccup: "Snotlout, that's really not helping."

Astrid: "Nah, that's a bit harsh."

Heather: "You're not exactly a shining example of speed and agility either Snotlout."

Fishlegs: "Actually guys... He may have a point..."

This declaration took everyone back with Astrid, Hiccup and Heather feeling worse for Fishlegs than they already did.

Hiccup: "Fishlegs..."

Heather: "That's not true..."

Fishlegs: "No, it's no big deal Heather. You guys just keep looking, Meatlug and I will circle back and patrol the cliffs, shore up the rear."

Astrid: "Are you sure about this?"

Fishlegs: "Absolutely."

Astrid and Hiccup look to each other and nod.

Hiccup: "Okay... And if you see anything, use your dragon call."

Fishlegs: "You know I will Hiccup."

As he says this the others continue onward, Hiccup sneering at Snotlout all the while.

Hiccup: "Don't think you're off the hook for that one Snotlout, when we get back, you're cleaning the stables."

Snotlout: "Oh come on! I just said what we were all thinking."

Heather: "You're lucky I didn't leap off this dragon and dropkick you into the sea..."

Meanwhile on Fishlegs's solo flight.

Fishlegs: "I really thought they'd have put up more of a fight than that... Didn't you?"

He sadly asked meatlug as they fly back to Dragons Edge, unaware that the ship was underneath them the whole time, paddling away from the sea stack after the coast was clear. Meanwhile Meatlug and Fishlegs arrive at the quarry.

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