Chapter 2

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"How do they sort you into what house you are?" Aurelia walked hand in hand with Sirius. The young boy was growing anxious as they got closer. He knew what house he was supposed to be in according to his family, but he didn't want to be like them. He also didn't want to be stuck in a house where his new friends weren't. Sensing his discomfort, Aurelia walked up next to him and grabbed his hand. The gesture was new to him. He was used to a cold grasp on the wrist that lacked the sort of comfort that the young girl radiated. It was usually to prevent him from running off and embarrassing the family name.

He looked over at her, "It's a hat. They call your name and you go up in front of everyone and put it on. Then the hat decides what house you go in. I'm not sure how it chooses though." She looked up at the brim of her uncles hat and bit her lip. Sirius grabbed it off her head and tucked it under his arm. "I'll be sorted pretty early, I'll keep it safe and give it back after you join me at my table."

Aurelia hesitated but gave him a big smile. "Okay that sounds good." The doors opened up, revealing a huge room with 4 long tables. Aurelia stared up at the ceiling in awe, the sight of the sky and the floating candles enchanting her. She whispered a quiet "Wow" causing James to lean forward from behind her.

"It's pretty magical eh?"

She turned her head to the left to face him, "It's beautiful." Her eyes twinkled with joy. The witch stood by Sirius in line even though she wouldn't be called until later. There was only 2 students before him, so they waited anxiously.

"Sirius Black." She gave him a reassuring look before pushing him forward. The boy shook off his fears and strutted up to the hat in confidence. His face paled for a brief moment before he smiled as the word Gryffindor rang through the room. Everyone was deathly silent until James and Aurelia started cheering. One by one the older students at the lions table cheered loudly. Now that he had been sorted, she took her place towards the back of the group. James, Peter and Remus were slightly in front of her, but there was one boy right behind her that she wanted to try and talk to. Severus Snape.

She turned around and gave him a small smile. "I think you'd be a wonderful Slytherin. I don't know much about the houses, but I think they are all great." He was about to respond when Lily was called up, drawing his attention away. Aurelia noticed his face fall when the redhead was sorted into Gryffindor. "She will still be your friend Severus. She has a good heart. I'm sorry for whatever happened on the train. I wasn't quite listening."

"Your friends are real prats." Aurelia frowned at his words. "I don't know how you are so chummy with them unless you are as rude as they are."

"I was trying to be nice Severus, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

James overheard that last bit and turned around, walking up to them. The sound of Houses being called out echoed behind them as each student was sorted. "Is there a problem?"

"No James, I was just trying to make a new friend." James looked between her and Snape before grimacing. "Hey don't do that, he hasn't done anything wrong." Severus was surprised that the witch came to his defense, and decided to give her a chance.

"Potter, I was simply talking to her about the houses. No big deal." James, a little more satisfied, turned around. Severus looked down at the smaller brunette and whispered a quiet thank you.

"I was being serious though, if you'd like, I could be your friend."

"We will see."

Remus was called up, and the hat took a minute or so before calling out Gryffindor. So far, that is two people of her friend group that have been sorted with the lions. When Peter joined shortly after, she grew nervous. She didn't want to be the one left out. As much as they said they would still be friends, she knew if she were sorted elsewhere they would drift apart.

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