Chapter 32

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"Thank you for helping me" Aurelia whispered as she sat on the bathroom counter. James grinned as he dabbed some cotton on Aurelia's cut. She winced and grabbed his free hand for support as the pain shocked her body.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" He examined the bruise forming on her cheek.

She grimaced and wrinkled her nose. "They were speaking pure blood rubbish."

James placed the cotton down and carefully put a plaster on her injury. His eyes searched hers, and his fingers brushed a strand of straight hair behind her ear. "I miss your hair." He said softly as he examined the dark locks.

"It was all for nothing anyways." Aurelia sighed and leaned forward to place her head on his shoulder. His arms automatically wrapped around her as he rubbed her back. "We were never meant to be."

"Thank Godric" James chuckled quietly. Aurelia looked up and glared at him. He simply smiled at her, "I'm just telling you, that twat does not deserve you. He couldn't even remember the simple things about you." His lips pressed against her forehead before he cupped her cheeks, and the dreadful feeling of anxiety formed in the pit of her stomach. "You deserve to be with someone who makes you the priority." Tears pricked at her eyes and she blinked them away.

"Maybe one day." Aurelia whispered.

"I'll make sure it happens princess." He helped her off the counter and opened the door for her. The rest of the boys were just sprawled out in various positions of their dorm. Aurelia looked at Sirius and her smile widened.

She bowed playfully in front of him, "My knight, how shall I thank thee for thy bravery."

He threw his head back in laughter before standing up. Suddenly, his face grew serious and he pointed his chin upwards. "I request one week of my assignments done, and two chocolate frogs."

Aurelia laughed before tackling him in a hug, "In your dreams Siri," she sat up beside him on the bed and nudged his shoulder. "Truly though, thank you for saving me." Remus chuckled at their antics, gazing at Sirius with an immense amount of love. Peter quickly joined in on the laughter. James looked between the two friends with a confused look before forcing a laugh of his own.

"Hey Rem? Do you know the spell to change my hair back?" Aurelia looked over to the werewolf who shrugged.

"I could try and find it."

"I've got it!" James grabbed a book from the shelf and turned to a specific page where a bookmark fell to the floor. After searching for a moment for the wand he recently misplaced, he looked to Aurelia for permission. When she gave a thumbs up, he swished his wand and cast the spell. The boys watched in amazement as her hair transformed back to normal. "Perfect" he pushed his glasses up and smiled at her.

The next morning, Aurelia procrastinated going to breakfast until James and Remus dragged her to the Great Hall. This time she sat in the middle of James and Sirius, with Remus and Peter across from them. James piled her plate with food, being sure to push it out of the way when she laid her head on the table. "Come on Rels, you have to eat." Peter urged the witch. In response, she groaned. Sirius sat straight up and tapped James rapidly when he saw a familiar Ravenclaw walking towards them. James narrowed his eyes at the flowers held in the boy's hands as he approached.

"Cara Mia, please can I talk to you?" Aurelia tensed and slowly looked up. Her eyes noticed the flowers first and frowned. Sirius coughed loudly to distract them from James swishing his wand. The flowers were transfigured into a set of quills and Enzo glared at the group of boys.

The witch stood up and followed him out of the Great Hall. He led her to the courtyard and they sat on a bench. A sigh left him as he passed the quills to her. She twirled them in her hands and thought about James' words. "I'm sorry Bella."

"Me too Enz."

"I think we can try and work it out though." He asked with a sliver of hope. For a moment they sat in silence before she shook her head.

"I don't think so, we want different things. You want safe, simple, and proper. I want the chaos of life." Aurelia frowned.

The boy sighed again before agreeing, "I was too blinded by the beauty of who you are that I ignored that we just don't match."

"I'm sorry Enz. I wish I could be who you want me to be."

"Do you think we will still be friends?" He asked with the smallest of smiles.

"I'd like to think so." She gave him a soft look.

They sat for another moment in silence before he cleared his throat. When she looked over at him, he had a knowing look to his sad eyes. "You love him." Not a question. Not an assumption. A statement. One made with confidence as if he had known the whole time.

Aurelia frowned again and hesitated with her answer. "Yes, I do." The words were just a whisper in the wind and he put a friendly arm around her. It wasn't a surprise to her that she had felt so strongly about her best friend. However, in her brain she figured the feeling would never be returned. Her throat became itchy and her tears stung her eyes, "It hurts, to love like this." Enzo couldn't find the words himself to comfort her, so he blinked away his own tears that were forming and nodded.

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