Chapter 20

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The nausea one feels when arriving somewhere that they aren't meant to be is always extremely unsettling. It turned out to be an engagement party for Narcissa and Lucius. Surrounded by posh purebloods conversing over such trivial matters, Aurelia scanned the crowd to find anyone that could possibly give her away as a fraud. Luckily, with Sirius' lessons, she knew enough proper etiquette to make it look like she fit in.

After several introductions, they finally made their way to the hosts. Lucius' eyes burned into Aurelia's face as they approached, despite the polite smile that she held. Walburga and Orion gave their congratulations to the couple before the older witch gestured to Aurelia. "And this is Aurelia Sallow, she's absolutely wonderful."

"Pleasure to meet you both, and congratulations on your engagement." She gave a slight curtsy, keeping her eyes locked onto Lucius. He looked her up and down and almost spoke before Narcissa stepped in, nodding her head.

"Thank you very much Miss Sallow, we are pleased to meet you." Lucius bit back a sneer and also nodded his head. Soft music started playing, and soon everyone made their way to the dance floor. Walburga glared at her son who was still standing around. He scoffed and offered his hand to Aurelia, leading her to a more secluded corner. The two giggled as they made quiet remarks about the stuffy choices of clothing worn by the guests. After one song died down, and the next started up, Regulus interrupted.

"Mum wanted me to dance one time with Aurelia." The younger boy said stiffly. Sirius glared at him before he looked at the witch, silently asking if she were okay with it. She nodded, taking Regulus' hand.

Sirius shifted on his feet, "I'm staying right here." He took a few steps away from the dance floor, keeping his eyes locked on his friend. Dancing with Regulus was more stiff, more formal. A brief look over at his mother showed the woman beaming with pride at how well her youngest son carried himself and Aurelia through the dance.

"Are you nervous?" The witch was so focused on getting the steps right, that it took her a moment to process the question.

She shook her head, "I know as long as me and Sirius keep an eye on each other, it will be alright. We just have to be extra careful."

Regulus spun her around, "You play the part well."

"I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult."

"Some of us aren't that bad. I never thanked you by the way. For sticking up for me. I know he doesn't enjoy my presence anymore." She glanced over at Sirius who was still staring at the two as they danced.

Aurelia looked back at Regulus and gave him a kind smile, "He loves you Regulus, he just has a hard time processing his emotions. But so far, you've given me no reason to go against you."

The younger boy pursed his lips, before slightly bowing to her as the song ended. "I should go find —."

A hand found its way in front of Aurelia. She followed the arm back to its owner and her eyes widened as she met Rabastan's amused stare. "Didn't expect me Sallow?" Regulus looked between the two, deciding not to speak up. "Was this your very important business with Black? I'm honestly surprised Regulus, I thought it would be your brother that she was accompanying." His voice was low, so that the surrounding people couldn't hear them.

Sirius, who had been watching, walked forward to the commotion. Aurelia looked at him briefly, his expression held a combination of anger and mischief as he approached. Not wanting to cause a scene and get him in trouble, she shook her head once, mouthing "I'm okay." The boy watched as she slipped her hand into the Slytherin's. Before starting their dance, she leaned over to whisper in Regulus' ear.

Once they started dancing, the younger brother met Sirius' side. They both looked forward toward the crowd of people. "She said she doesn't want you to get in trouble by causing a scene." Sirius rolled his eyes and pulled his wand out of his hair that had been combed back into a bun. He examined the wood as he twirled it in his hand.

"So what is it that you want?" Aurelia asked as they spun around the dance floor. Much like Regulus, it was very formal.

Rabastan smirked, "Who says I want anything? What good would it do me to tell everyone here that you are a blood traitor? I didn't even know you were pure."

"Everyone has a price, especially someone like you."

His laugh was unsettling, "I'll think of something one day. Until then, just know you are in my debt." Her dark eyes narrowed and she knew she wasn't in the position to argue.

"Alright." The boy smiled devilishly, bowing gracefully as the song ended. He glanced over her shoulder before placing a kiss on the back of her hand. Walburga, who was behind the pair, watching the interaction, fumed with jealousy. She had plans for the witch, and she didn't want to risk losing the potential candidate for an engagement to another family.

"Sirius, Regulus." The Black matriarch summoned the boys. They walked over, one with perfect posture, the other slumped impolitely, his shoelaces bouncing against the ground as they came untied. "Try to keep an eye on Aurelia, don't let too many boys try to steal her attention when she is in our presence. She will be vital to our family in a few years." Regulus nodded, his cheeks tinged pink as he understood what his mother was implying. Although he was a child, he knew that his path in life would be chosen for him. Sirius blinked, the idea of being forced to marry the witch he saw as his sister made him queasy. "Respond when I say something Sirius, you know better."

Aurelia watched the interaction carefully from a distance. Lucius took the opportunity of her being alone to confront her. "What are you playing at Sallow?"

She took a sip of her drink, her eyes not leaving her friends. "If you tell anyone Lucy, I will personally insure that you are physically incapable of producing an heir and then Narcissa will leave you for someone who deserves her heart."

The older male paled, not used to being threatened so violently, especially by someone younger. He held his hands up in surrender as she placed her cup down and made her way over to Sirius' side. She linked her arm in his and gave a sweet smile to his mother who still looked tense. "I'm terribly sorry, but I am rather exhausted. Is there anyway you'd let Siri take me back home?" The boy straightened up, catching on to Aurelia's act. The woman looked between her eldest and the young witch before nodding.

"Very well, use the floo. If you get hungry ask Kreacher to make you something." The witch nodded politely, before the two made their way to the floo. Rabastan sent her a smirk that gave her chills as they walked past. Sirius pulled her to his other side, away from the boy.

Once they got back to the Black family home, Sirius immediately loosened his tie and took his hair down. Aurelia kicked out of her uncomfortable shoes. "So I was right, mother dearest wants you to marry either me or Regulus." Aurelia grimaced.


"Agreed, but I know you're only saying that because you fancy a different pureblood." His heart fell as her smile turned into a frown.

"Unfortunately you're right. But he will never return the feelings."

The boy pulled out his pajamas and summoned the house elf.  "Go get changed Rels, Kreacher get us some tea." Aurelia sent him an irritated look, making him roll his eyes. "Can you please get us some tea?" Kreacher snapped his fingers, vanishing as Aurelia went to change.

When she returned, she cuddled up into Sirius' side. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "I think it's possible for you two. I honestly don't see a better match." Aurelia sniffed and wiped a tear away from her eyes. "And at least you have a backup plan. Two actually, considering she will offer up Regulus if she can't offer me." He nudged her with a cheeky grin.

Aurelia giggled through her tears. "Thanks Sirius."

"Anytime Rels."

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