Chapter 8

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After the 5th dress shop, Cassius was tired. He ran a hand through his dark hair and sighed before glaring at the judgmental old women gossiping nearby. However, when his niece stepped out of the dressing room in the 117th dress of the day with a huge smile on her face, he knew she decided. "You look beautiful kid."

"I think this is the one papa, it's pretty." Aurelia twirled around and laughed when she nearly fell.

"Is that the one you want?" The girl nodded rapidly before making her way back to change. Trying to be as gentle as possible, she hung it back up on the hanger and carried it to Cassius. She held onto it tightly as she made her way to the cashier.

The day of the ball, Aurelia planned for an extra two hours to figure out her hair. Cassius was clueless when it came to helping her since she insisted on doing it the muggle way. After 45 minutes of struggling, she groaned. Her reflection looked back at her nearly mocking her disheveled locks. "Papa!" She yelled out.

Thinking she was in danger, he ran and burst into her room. His hand flew to his chest and he leaned his forehead against the doorframe when he saw that she was fine other than a bit moody. "What is it kid?" Her uncle's eyes darted from the head of unmanageable hair, to her frown, to the set of hair pins and brushes thrown beside her. Sadness shot through his heart and he wished her parents were here to help. "What can I do to help love?" He asked softly.

"I'm not going." She whispered quietly with her head down. Aurelia brought her wrist up to her face and wiped a stray tear that was falling.

Another wave of sadness hit him as he looked at the defeated girl. "Wait one moment kid." A pop sounded and she looked up, noticing he left. Cassius didn't know very many people, but from one interaction, he knew someone who could help. The man sighed before stepping up to knock on the door. A young James Potter opened it. He stared at Cassius for a moment and then tried to look behind the man in confusion. "She's not here yet, but I needed some help. Are your parents home?"

The boy frowned momentarily before smiling again, "Mum! Dad! Mr. Sallow is here!" He yelled very loudly. Cassius winced, not prepared for it. The two just stood there awkwardly waiting for his parents.

Finally, footsteps approached and Cassius nearly sighed in relief. "Cassius! What a pleasure! You are early, is Aurelia here?" James perked up hearing his friend's name. Cassius shook his head.

"No, I actually might need your help. She doesn't want to go anymore because she can't figure out how to do her hair."

"WHAT?!" James screeched. Effie gave him a pointed look, making him mutter an apology. She understood what the girl needed, so she turned to her family.

"Monty love, finish the cleaning. James, help your father. I'll be back in a little bit."

"Can I come with you?"

"No James, stay with your father." James shrugged.

"Okay mum."

Effie softly grabbed Cassius' shoulder and gave him a warm smile. In an instant, they were back in the Sallow's house. The man apparated them right into the hallway outside her room. He sighed and brought his hand up to knock. "Hey kid I'm back."

"Come in," the two words were almost nonexistent because of how quiet they were spoken. He pushed the door open and gestured for Effie to follow.

"I've brought someone Rellie." The girl was now sitting in her bed with her face buried in her knees. Her long messy hair cascaded down keeping most of her body hidden. Immediately, she looked up, her eyes were red and puffy. Both adults felt their hearts break. All she wanted, was her mum.

"Oh I'm sorry." Aurelia quickly wiped her eyes and sat up a little straighter. Her bottom lip trembled as Effie and Cassius approached. As soon as the bed dipped from her uncle sitting down, she threw herself into his arms and sobbed. "It's not fair."

"How about you come with me for a moment?" Effie spoke gently to Aurelia. Despite her head being buried in Cassius' chest, she nodded. Effie stood up and waited for the young girl to grab her hand.

When she did, she guided Aurelia to the mirror where her supplies lay. "Would you like me to show you how to braid?" The young girl nodded and the two females sat on the floor in front of the mirror. Slowly, Effie braided Aurelia's thick hair, making sure to undo it and redo it again so she could see the process. Cassius also paid close attention so next time he could try and help. Once finished, a small smile formed on her face. Effie pulled a couple curls loose to frame her face and added a couple sparkly pins for detail. "You look beautiful."

Aurelia looked down in shame, "I'm sorry Effie. Thank you for helping." Two warm arms wrapped around her.

"Don't apologize for needing me love, I will always be here for you." At her words, Aurelia smiled wider and hugged her back. "Will you be okay to finish getting ready? I'm hoping the boys aren't burning the house down as we speak."

The younger laughed, "Yes, and thank you again." Effie stood up and said goodbye to her and Cassius before leaving. Aurelia ran to her uncle and threw her arms around him. "Thank you papa. I love you."

"I love you too kid." His heart warmed seeing her happy again. "Finish getting ready, we will leave as soon as you are done." He walked out of the room to let her change.

Her nerves consumed her as she stood in front of the door. The house was beautifully decorated from the outside. Dark eyes narrowed at her uncle, "Did you remember the presents?" Cassius winked at her and tapped the bag in his hand.

"Are we just going to stand here all day or are you going to knock?" He teased. She flashed a glare in return and smoothed her dress out. Finally, she knocked on the door rather loudly. The sound of running was heard before the door swung open. James smiled brightly before wrapping Aurelia in a bone crushing hug.

"You're here! Come on let's go!" He grabbed her hand and the two ran inside. Forgetting his manners, he turned back to the doorway. "Oh and hello Mr. Sallow! Food and drinks are to the left!" James called out as he dragged a giggling Aurelia further through the house. The man just stood in shock as James' parents walked over while laughing.

"Sorry about him, he's been excited all day. No other kids his age were able to come." Fleamont shook his head fondly and clapped Cassius on the shoulder. He guided him inside and Effie started talking.

"Merlin, we will have our hands full with them two in the future." The three adults watched the two friends chasing each other in the snow from the kitchen window. Although it was supposed to be a ball, it was such a lovely sight seeing the two so consumed by joy. Even though a few hours ago she had a fit about her hair, she didn't even mind that it came undone.

After 30 minutes of snowballs and tag, the two kids found their way inside. Monty dried them off using magic and Effie sent them to greet guests. They made it a contest to see who could use the funniest voice and whoever laughs first would be the loser. James ended up losing after the third voice. His eyes lit up in mischief and he chuckled. He gave an over the top bow, extending his hand out. "Rellie Whatever Your Middle Name Is Sallow, I command thee to dance." His voice was obnoxiously loud in the room. Several adults turned towards them and laughed. Cassius stood in the corner, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. His eyebrows shot up in amusement. He was happy to see the light back in her eyes.

Aurelia held her chin up and placed her hand gently in his and stepped forward. "James I Don't Know Your Middle Name Potter, I accept thy offer." She shouted back, equally as loud. The two spun around the room laughing, their dance looked very hectic and overly dramatic. Nobody seemed to mind, they all found amusement in the two children. It was clear as day that these two would always bring life and happiness wherever they go.

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