Chapter 7

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"Papa," she tugged on her uncle's sleeve once she caught up to him at the station. "I'm worried about my friend Sirius." Aurelia gestured to the pureblood family that looked too stiff for comfort. She remembered the Howler that came to Dumbledore demanding a resort when his parents found out he was in Gryffindor. Sirius' posture was pristine and he held his chin high, but there was a sad gleam in his eyes.

Cassius' looked at the family with narrow eyes before looking back down at his niece. "What do you know about them?"

"He said they are pure bloods who think they are better than everyone because of the amount of incest that runs in the family. They aren't happy because he is a Gryffindor."

He stared blankly at her for a moment before pulling her behind a column and tapping his wand on himself and Aurelia. She furrowed her brows seeing their clothes transformed into something more elegant. She was also still not used to seeing him perform magic and nearly forgotten he was a wizard himself. "Do you remember those tea parties where you would dress up and act like a princess? You learned all the manners and all the posh nonsense?" Aurelia nodded. "I need you to act like that for me for just one moment." His dark eyes looked her over to inspect for any flaws.

They walked, hand in hand towards the Black family. She breathed in and out through her nose to calm her nerves. Cassius squeezed her hand in reassurance. Sirius' eyes widened as the two approached. Orion stepped forward, one eyebrow raised.

"Cassius Sallow," he bowed his head slightly "Mr. Black is it?" The name Sallow made Walburga narrow her eyes at the man, but he did not falter.

"Yes, how may I help you?" Orion's tone was short and dismissive. Sirius' eyes were glued on Aurelia who stood with her hands crossed in front of her and a shy smile on her face.

Cassius straightened his posture and moved his hands behind his back. "My daughter Aurelia has told me about her acquaintance with your son and I wanted to meet them for myself. You can never be too certain who your children speak to when they are away."

"Sallow is it? You aren't a part of the Sacred 28?" Walburga stepped forward in curiosity.

"No, we unfortunately were not around when the list was made. The Sallow family has moved around over time."

"Hm." She looked between her son who was still staring at Aurelia in shock, and said witch who seemed well mannered. A sly smile broke out on her face. "You are pure though right?"

"Yes, as pure as can be." Cassius smiled despite wanting to hit his head against the wall.

"Aurelia, is it?" Walburga looked down at the girl.

"Pleasure to meet you," she grabbed the ends of her dress and did a small curtsy, bowing her head slightly to show respect.

While the adults conversed amongst themselves about winter break plans, Sirius took the time to introduce her to Regulus. He pulled his younger brother in front of him in pride. "Aurelia, meet Regulus. He's my younger brother." The younger boy turned red and offered a small wave but said nothing.

"Pleasure to meet you Regulus, are you excited about Hogwarts?" He nodded and before the conversation could finish, Cassius grabbed Aurelia's hand.

"It's been a delight getting to know you, I'll pick Sirius up in Diagon Alley the day after the Malfoy event?"

"Yes that sounds wonderful Mister Sallow." Walburga and Orion grabbed their children's hands and apparated away.

Aurelia looked up to her uncle in amusement as their clothes changed back into their regular outfits. Her dark hair tumbled out of the elegant hairstyle it was in. "Rellie!" The two turned to see who called. Lo and behold, James Potter was yelling as he dragged his parents by the hand over to his friend. Her smile brightened significantly, which Cassius picked up on immediately.

"James!" The girl giggled and threw her arms around James, being careful not to mess up his glasses.

After a moment he pulled away, "this is mum and this is dad." He bounced in excitement as he pointed to each one.

His dad chuckled as his mum introduced them formally. Her smile was warm like James, comforting. "You can call me Effie, and this is Fleamont."

Cassius stretched out his hand to greet both of the adults. These two were much more tolerable than the other parents. "I'm Cassius, Aurelia's uncle."

Effie looked between the two and decided to kneel down to Aurelia's level. "I heard you're coming over for the Christmas Ball this year, I'm so excited to have another girl at the house. These two can be so exhausting sometimes."

"Hey!" James and Fleamont said in unison.

Aurelia laughed "Blimey, they are just alike! Thank you for inviting me."

Effie gave her a wink, "You're always welcome in our house love, no need to thank us."

"Alright kid, it's time to head home." Cassius gave the Potter's a nod, "It was a pleasure meeting you three." James gave him a salute paired with a goofy grin. Aurelia went to grab her uncle's hand again before she decided to give James one last hug.

"Don't forget to write me James!"

"Well of course I won't forget you numpty!"

The witch followed her uncle to the car where she told him all about her friends. "Sirius, he's super funny, and super confident. We help each other when we are nervous. Then there's Remus, I think you'd get along with him. He loves reading, and he can usually convince the professors that we didn't do anything. There's also Peter, we share snacks and study together. I share my dorm with Marlene, Lily and Mary. They are all so nice and pretty. James is probably my best friend though. We are going to try out for quidditch together next year! Then there's Severus, he's really quiet and he's a Slytherin, but he's nice to me. Professor Minnie is my favorite, she can turn into a cat! I didn't even know that was possible!"

He absorbed every bit of information with a small smile on his face, but for the second time that day, he didn't fail to notice how bright she got when James popped up.

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