Chapter 13

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"Regulus Black."

The boy walked up to the stool and sat with his chin raised high. Sirius sat on the edge of his seat waiting to hear the name of the house his brother would be sorted in. The only person who was surprised when the hat called Slytherin was him. He rolled his eyes and refused to clap, certainly not pleased with the house. Regulus looked directly at him, in conflict of whether to be relieved that he didn't disappoint his parents or guilty over disappointing his brother. The guilt turned to bitterness when his older brother wouldn't look back at him.

However, the brunette witch next to him did. She elbowed Sirius and whispered something into his ear with a glare before standing up and cheering. Her praise was the loudest in the room, her smile was the biggest smile that has ever been given in Regulus' direction. At that moment, he decided that he would not snitch on Aurelia for tricking his parents.

When she sat back down, Sirius glared at her. "He's going to be just like them Aurelia." He whispered.

"You don't know that Sirius, he's just a child like us. Don't be mean to him."

"Well I certainly don't like him in that dreaded house. They are all no good."

"Don't say that! Not all of them are bad!"

"Name one then."

"Dorcas Meadows."

Sirius deadpanned at her, "okay, another one."

"Regulus Black, and oh look his friend Evan is there too. They just became Slytherins, you can't tell me that they are evil."

James, overhearing the bickering, stood up and squeezed himself between the two. He patted Sirius on the shoulder. "Come on mate, he's a Slytherin, it will be alright. And if he turns into his parents, you always have me."

Aurelia scoffed, "Of course you take his side. Honestly, you two are no worse than them, thinking Gryffindor's are all high and mighty and can do no wrong while Slytherin's are all up to some evil plan. What's next? Hufflepuff is inferior due to being too nice? Or Ravenclaws are lacking because they seem to value brain over brawn?" Not wanting to stay any longer, she got up and stormed out. All eyes in the Great Hall watched as the door slammed shut behind her. Remus stood up next and apologized to the professors gaping at the group.

Although he was friends with all of them, Aurelia was different. She knew his secret and didn't run from him. So he didn't want her to be upset alone. His longer legs caught up to her quickly. The werewolf fell into stride with her and she looked up at him. "Sorry Remmy. I was just mad at them."

"You were right, I understand."

Aurelia pursed her lips and nodded. "I overreacted though. It's just every time they say those things, I think about how if I were in a different house, they probably would have stopped talking to me." Two pairs of feet were heard running down the corridor. James rounded the corner, followed closely by Sirius. Once they noticed Remus and Aurelia, they slid to a stop and landed on their knees in front of the girl.

"We are sorry Rellie!"

"Very sorry!"

Peter called out from further down the corridor, "I'm not sorry! I told them they were wrong!" Aurelia smiled at him and mouthed 'thank you.' She pulled the two boys up to their feet.

"It's okay boys, you are forgiven." Sirius pumped his fist in the air and jumped on Remus who stumbled backwards. They decided to lead the way to the kitchens since they missed the feast.

James put his arm around Aurelia's shoulders and pulled her close. Her heart started racing and she had to fight the blush threatening to form. "Are you sure you're okay? You're not still mad at me?" He said quietly so the others couldn't hear.

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