Chapter 21

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With the 3rd year came many changes. Each of the boys had growth spurts, the slightest of muscles formed on Sirius and James, and their voices started to change. Sirius was the first to acknowledge the change because of the extra attention he had started to receive from the opposite gender. Aurelia had her own changes, between having the smallest of growth spurts and the starting development of curves, she also started receiving attention.

To her displeasure, she was the only female of the group, meaning that she had to experience the pains of getting a period while the boys didn't. Her mood was sour as they sat waiting for the students to be sorted. "Did Remus bite you or something?" Peter snickered. He immediately closed his mouth when she glared back at him. With a groan, she hunched over as another wave of cramps hit. Remus, understanding what was happening, slipped her some chocolate from across the table.

James, being the mother hen he is, started rubbing her back. He leaned over to whisper, "You alright?"

"Mhm" she winced but smiled. "Just female issues." The boy's cheeks turned pink and he cleared his throat before nodding.

Sirius grimaced from the other side of her. "Gross." The witch rolled her eyes as James reached around her and whacked the back of his head.

Immediately following the sorting ceremony and feast, Aurelia trudged up to the Gryffindor common room, wanting nothing more than to go to bed. Peter, Sirius and Remus ran ahead of the group to ensure which bed they got in the dorm. James walked at a slower pace, right next to Aurelia. After splitting from Severus, Lily joined the witch's side. "How're you feeling Aurelia?" The brunette shrugged, displeased with the lost puppy look her best friend was giving to Lily. "How about I get us some tea and we can have a girl's night tonight? Something relaxing." She cast a sideways glance at James' direction, knowing the rambunctious boys might be too much.

James clapped his hands, "Ooooh a girl's night! Maybe me and the boys can find a way up there to crash the party. Anyways, how was your summer Lilyflower? Did you get any of my letters?"

Lily groaned, "You're not invited Potter. And yes I got them, it's a shame they fell into the fire." Aurelia looked to the ground, jealousy slowing consuming her emotions.

"You didn't read any of them?" His voice held a twinge of disappointment. The red head shook her head, not feeling an ounce of guilt.

"We aren't necessarily friends Potter, and I would rather not read the 100th attempt of you trying to ask for my hand in marriage you arrogant toe rag."

Aurelia groaned and threw her head back before marching off faster. Frustration and sadness hit her harder with each step. "Rellie?!" James called out and ran after her. It didn't take him long to catch up to her, reaching her just as she was about to climb the stairs to her dorm. "Are you sure you're alright? Did you need me to bring you anything?" She was too upset to notice that the boy never even looked away from her when Lily walked past.

Aurelia rested her head on his chest, his arms wrapped around her. "I think I'm just going to go to bed James. I'm not feeling well and I'm having too many big emotions right now." He nodded and pressed a small kiss to the top of her head.

"If you need anything, just send your butterfly that I gave you with a note." Aurelia muttered a thank you before going up to her dorm.

Lily looked at her with sympathetic eyes and patted the space beside her on the bed. Together they cuddled and talked about anything and everything. Slowly, the brunette was distracted from her pains and emotions. When it grew quiet, Aurelia asked the question that has been bothering her. "Why don't you give James the time of day?"

The young teen sighed and laid her head back on the pillow. Mary and Marlene were doing their nails on the opposite side of the room, paying no attention to the two girls in bed. "Well two reasons, the first one, I think I'm comfortable to share with everyone." The two other girls whipped their heads over to Lily. "I think I'm attracted to females." She whispered. The room was silent as the information was processed.

Marlene was the first to break the silence, noting the growing fear in Lily's eyes after her confession. The blonde cheered loudly with a big smile. Mary beamed, her blush going unnoticed by the group. Aurelia hugged the redhead tightly. "You lot aren't mad at me?" Her emerald eyes sparkled with tears.

"Of course not love, we love you no matter who you like."

"Besides I'm a lesbian too." Marlene shrugged before continuing on with Mary's nails.

"Thank you, honestly." Lily sniffed, still hugging onto Aurelia as if her life depended on it. "The second reason is just for you, I see the way you look at him Aurelia. You look at him as if he were your sun. The light that he brings to you is nothing I've ever seen before, and even if I liked boys, I wouldn't go after him out of respect for you." Now it was Aurelia's turn to get emotional. The two witches ended up crying themselves to a peaceful sleep, cuddled up next to each other.

Meanwhile, over in the boy's dorm, Remus was fast asleep. Sirius and Peter were surprisingly looking over various books while James paced by the door. "She's alright James, now sit down." James turned his head to meet Sirius' gaze. "She has the other girls, they will take care of her."

The boy sighed but sat down on his bed, "I just don't like knowing she's in pain, it's the same way I feel when it's Remus' furry week."

"ANIMAGUS!" Peter screeched, pointing furiously at the page he was reading.

"Bloody hell Pete, you're a genius!" Sirius clapped the boy on the shoulder. "We will catch Rels up in the morning unless she decides she wants to eat us instead. Merlin, she's terrifying when she's angry."

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