Chapter 25

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The wind was chilly on Christmas morning. Aside from the sound of the breeze blowing through the trees, it was silent. Aurelia laid on the bench, her head on James' lap as he draped his blanket over her. Neither one spoke as they enjoyed the peaceful time before the sunrise. On the ground was their discarded trash from opening their presents, tucked neatly into a bag. This year, she had gotten him a banner of his favorite quidditch team signed by his favorite player. He had gotten her a jumper along with a set of journals. One labeled potions, one for quidditch, and one for any song lyrics for her choir group. Special journals for a very talented witch he explained to her. Each one came with a special quill that matched the journal.

He absentmindedly ran his fingers through her dark hair as he watched the sun peak above the horizon. Aurelia closed her eyes, feeling nothing but complete peace. "Hey Rels?" James questioned quietly. Without opening her eyes, she hummed a response. "Can you promise me, that wherever life takes us, we can always spend Christmas morning like this?"

The witch went to sit up, but was stopped by a firm but gentle hand on her arm. Instead she turned over on her back to look up at him. Her smile was matched by his as she met his eyes. "I wouldn't have it any other way James." There was something about the way his name sounded when she said it that made him feel complete. A warmth spread over him that he credited the now present sun for despite the fluttering of his heart.

It became a spectacle every Christmas for the group inside. Watching the two connect over the years was something that each of the adults enjoyed. They could only hope that one day, their hearts would find their way to each other.

As soon as they stepped foot in Hogwarts, Aurelia began her plan. She wanted to test it herself before letting the boys try to become an animagus. Despite their protests, they finally gave in to her wishes. Her month of silence was dreadful, and the taste of the mandrake leaf was horrid. After the first week, she had accidentally spit it out when she sneezed.

On her second leaf, she was determined. Rabastan had picked up on her change in behavior after a few days and decided to pester her about it. He followed her around trying to cause some sort of reaction by any means necessary. The Slytherin would ruin her potion in class, knock the books out of her hand in the halls, and even follow her between classes throwing out insults. He found himself the victim of many pranks from the boys. Eventually, Rabastan enlisted two others, Avery and Mulciber to help him.

The witch was sitting alone at the Three Broomsticks, waiting for Peter and James to return with the drinks. Sirius and Remus had gone off somewhere for the day. Her head rested on her hand as she boredly looked at the table. She was startled when the Slytherins slid into the booth on either side of her. The month was almost over and she didn't want to risk losing this leaf, so she didn't make a comment. Instead she stared straight ahead, hoping her friends would arrive.

"Isn't it odd meeting you here Sallow?" She gave no response to Rabastan. He threw his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to his side. "Why aren't you speaking little lion? Don't get me wrong, it's been a pleasure not having to hear your whiny voice all the time." She sent him a glare and tried to pull herself away unsuccessfully. She reached for her wand, but it was yanked out of her hand by Avery. "I bet it feels awful, knowing that you are surrounded by boys but not a single one would ever want you. Maybe if you were always this silent, you could be matched up with one of us and make a very submissive wife." Her eyes darted towards James, who had just turned around and noticed her situation. His eyes darkened and he stormed over with a nervous Peter following behind him. "Ah if it isn't the Gryffindor golden boy himself."

"Get your hands off of her Lestrange."

The Slytherin laughed and twirled one of her curls around his finger. "I will if she says so."

James looked at her, "Rels, just do it, it's not worth it."

"Yes Rels, use your words." Rabastan taunted.

Her face grew blank as she looked at him. She debated her options mentally before deciding. Instead of answering, she turned to Avery. A bright smile formed on her face and she batted her eyelashes. Her hand ran delicately up his arm to the back of his shoulder. The boy grew flustered and turned a bright red. James, Peter, Mulciber and Rabastan all watched with wide eyes. In a split second, she grabbed the back of his head and slammed it down on the table. She snatched her wand and pointed it at Rabastan while Avery clutched his bleeding nose in pain. The others were quick to follow, James at Mulciber, Mulciber at Aurelia. Peter's wand was drawn at his side before he shakily pointed it at Avery.

Rabastan looked around, all eyes were watching the students, and the bar maid was about to walk over. So he slid out of the booth, letting Aurelia free. They put away their wands and the Gryffindors started to walk away. The Slytherins followed them all the way outside. Rabastan laughed and shook his head. "Just wait Sallow, they won't be around you forever. After all, you are a worthless blood traitor with the looks of a filthy troll."

James immediately froze. He saw red as he turned and punched Rabastan in the face. Mulciber was about to pull out his wand, but Peter cast Expelliarmus and threw his wand across the path. James and Rabastan were trading blows, while Avery went to grab Aurelia.

"What's that over there?" Sirius asked Remus as they noticed a commotion in the distance.

As they got closer, Remus gasped, "Godric that's Ja—." Sirius took off running, tackling Avery to the ground. Remus groaned and quickly followed, his wand at his side. Peter kicked Mulciber in his shin, and before they knew it, all three Slytherins were bloody on the ground. Seeing that they were now very outnumbered, the boys in green surrendered. Aurelia flipped off Rabastan as he groaned from the ground and walked off. James beamed at her in pride before following after her .

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