Chapter 19

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Aurelia's leg bounced rapidly as the train slowed to a stop at the station. The brakes squealed as it halted and the witch made no move to stand. Her hand shook as she pulled out her wand, tapping it to transform her clothing. Her curls were smoothed back into an elegant bun. Worried hazel eyes found her dark brown ones. Her best friend held her tightly, leaning down to speak softly in her hair. "Write to me everyday you are there. Look out for each other." The girl nodded and pulled away. She gave hugs to the other 2 boys before linking arms with Sirius.

"If she tries to set up an engagement for us, I might hex her myself." Aurelia nervously giggled.

Sirius' shoulders shook as he laughed. "Merlin that would be horrid. I'd probably offer up Regulus for your hand instead." She reached up with her free hand to tuck the stay curl falling in his face. He helped her off the train, and to her relief, Cassius was standing next to Walburga and Orion. The two Gryffindors, followed by Regulus, walked up to the three adults. Cassius placed a comforting hand on his niece's shoulder and gave her a small smile.

"I just wanted to see you off kid, if you need anything, send an owl." The man was worried, but knew she would want to do this to help keep Sirius as safe as possible. He had a soft spot for the boy that became like a sibling to Aurelia. He turned to the boy's parents, "I'll pick her up in a week." Orion gave him a firm handshake before Cassius vanished.

She nearly regretted going through with this as soon as she stepped foot in 12 Grimmauld Place. Everything was so dark and dreary. Her arm was linked in Sirius' and she held him close, terrified of the eerie choice of decorations in the home. "Kreacher!" Walburga yelled. An elderly grumpy looking house elf popped in and eyed Aurelia carefully. "Take Miss Sallow's belongings to the spare room." The elf sneered before snapping his fingers. "Your room will be up the stairs right next to Sirius'. Regulus stays in the room across from that, and our room is one more floor higher. If you need anything summon Kreacher."

Aurelia bowed her head slightly in acknowledgement, "Yes, thank you again for allowing me to visit." Walburga looked at the close proximity of her eldest son and the young witch and beamed.

"It would do him some good to spend some time with someone who is more respectful anyways." The boy rolled his eyes, earning a glare from his mother. "Maybe your good manners will rub off on him. Later this evening me and you will be going gown shopping. Sirius, show her to her room."

"Why would I need a gown?" Aurelia whispered as they climbed the stairs. Sirius looked around before shrugging. He showed her to her bedroom, and then she followed him to his so she could borrow his owl.

"Careful what you say, mum might read it." She tapped the quill on her nose, trying to think of what to say. No words came to her, so she decided to get washed up instead.

When her name was called, she made her way down the stairs. "I hope you don't mind Aurelia, Regulus will be joining us so he can get some new robes."

"Is Sirius not coming then?" She hesitantly asked.

"No, he will be staying here, his father needs to speak with him." Walburga grabbed onto both children and apparated. They ended up in a nicer wizarding town. There was not a muggle in sight. Walburga raised an eyebrow at her son, who took the hint and linked arms with Aurelia. They walked into a fancy clothing store that was filled with gowns and dress robes. The employees seemed to be at everyone's beck and call to please all of the higher end customers.

Her eyes widened at the lavish materials and shiny details of the gowns. "Let's find you something Aurelia, we have an event to attend at Malfoy Manor the day before you leave, and you need to look your best." The two children froze for a moment before Aurelia subtly squeezed Regulus' arm.

After an hour, Regulus was sat in a chair as Aurelia tried on gown after gown. His mother interrogated her with seemingly innocent questions. Her favorite subjects in school, what her hobbies consisted of, were the starting questions. It eventually evolved into ones regarding her thoughts on blood purity and if she knew anything about her family. Carefully, she sidestepped each question by coming out in a gown and asking for opinions. Finally, at what seemed to be the 50th dress, she found one that was bearable. The fabric was silky soft and the color complimented her very well.

When she stepped out, she smiled because she felt like a princess. Regulus' eyes widened and there was a slight pink tint to his cheeks. Walburga brightened up considerably. "This is the one!" She stood up, paying for the dress along with two sets of dress robes for the boys along with ties to match her dress.

Coming back, Sirius was in a mood. Walburga doted on Aurelia as if she were the daughter she never had, making the young witch slightly uncomfortable. She excused herself, and found Sirius' room. She collapsed onto the bed next to him. "Did he hurt you?"

"No, just told me again how much of a disappointment I am. That I better not embarrass the family name at the Malfoy's event." He grumbled.

"Well, next time I won't leave you alone. Let's just hope we can prevent old Lucy from saying anything." She stood back up, making her way to the room next door. "If we don't pull it off, we can just start rebelling and I'll take the blame." Aurelia sent him a reassuring smile before opening her door and stepping inside. When the door closed, she padded over to her bed and slipped under the covers. She gazed out of the window at the shining stars while she thought about a certain boy with glasses and messy hair.

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