Chapter 22

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5 tankards of butterbeer were being carried by James, Sirius and Peter. Remus and Aurelia had saved the group a table at The Three Broomsticks since it was their first time going to Hogsmeade. When the trio arrived to the table, Sirius was quick to claim the seat next to Remus, and then pulled down Peter next to him. This left the only open seat next to Aurelia. James was oblivious to the long haired boy's intention but the witch was not. Remus snickered at the glare she sent to Sirius.

The group was on their last stop for the day, as they had already been to Zonkos, Honeydukes, Spintwitches and a book store. As they laughed about a prank, James subconsciously threw his arm around the back of Aurelia's chair. Her eyes widened and she nearly choked on her drink when she felt the weight behind her back. The boy sat up, patting her back with a worried look. "Merlin Rellie, you alright?"

She held up her hand, signaling to give her a moment. Once she caught her breath, she bashfully smiled, tucking a curl behind her ear. "Thanks James, I don't know what happened. I'm alright though." He checked her over one time just to make sure she was truly alright before smiling back at her. His arm went back to the original position behind her, making her blush slightly.

Sirius, being the instigator he is, gestured to her cheeks. "You sure you're alright? You look a little flushed." She kicked him under the table, glaring at him. James sat back up to examine her face.

"Yes Sirius, I'm alright, I promise." She gritted through her teeth with a fake smile. James furrowed his brows as he looked between his two friends. As she finished her drink, she stood up from the table, James' arm falling back into place by his side. "I have to go to the potions shop, but feel free to stay here or head back."

"You shouldn't go alone Rel." James spoke from his seat. He quickly chugged the rest of his drink before standing up with her. As the gentleman his mum raised him to be, he grabbed her two little bags from the previous stores.

She shook her head, reaching for the bags, "I don't want to ask any of you to come with me. You lot don't like potions and I will be fine."

The boy raised the bags above their heads so she could no longer reach them. "You don't have a choice, one of us is going with you and I truly don't mind." He hesitated before looking at Sirius who was grinning like a mad man. "Unless Sirius would rather go with you."

"NO," he said a little too loudly. A couple people turned to look at the commotion. "Merlin I hate potions, besides it's time to tuck Remus in for bed." The werewolf turned his head towards him and slapped the back of his shoulder.

Peter started to speak up, "I can go with —."

"No! I need help tucking him in, you know how temperamental he can get." Sirius grinned at Peter before dragging the two to their feet. He guided them out the door, looking over his shoulder to smirk at the two remaining. "You children have fun and don't stay out too late!"

James pushed his glasses up before looking down at Aurelia. She felt her heart melt as they made eye contact. He started leading the way, making sure to hold the door open for her. "Lead the way Princess, Merlin knows I have no bloody idea where the potions shop would be." The witch laughed before stepping outside. The cool breeze of the autumn air sent a shiver down her spine. James, who always seems to be oblivious, but notice everything at the same time, caught sight of it. He handed her the bags before slipping off his jumper and handing it to her.

"Oh no James, I can't take this, you'll get cold." He waved a hand to dismiss her and grabbed the bags back.

"No worries, I was starting to get a little warm anyways." She sighed, knowing he wouldn't take it back. She slipped it on, her curls going a little frantic from the motion. As she adjusted her hair, James looked at her. There was a funny feeling in his stomach that he just figured was from drinking his butterbeer too quickly. He blinked as she looked up at him curiously. "Alright then, let's go." He cleared his throat. They mindlessly talked about anything and everything as they made their way up the winding paths and across the bridge. A few steps up and they finally made it.

An elderly man sat upon an old bench outside. He didn't run the main potions shop in Hogsmeade, so he hardly received any business. Aurelia's eyes brightened at the variety of ingredients. "Hello mister." She smiled at the man. James nodded politely from behind her.

"Afternoon miss, what're you looking for?" The man's voice was gruff and when he stood up, he pulled out a cane that was leaning behind him.

"Oh I was just looking to see what you had in stock. I love potions." The witch beamed. "I've been wanting to start experimenting with my own." The man's eyes softened, not many students were interested in the art of potions anymore.

He looked between the two young teens and rubbed the side of his neck. "One moment, I'll be right back." Aurelia nodded and took the time to browse. She stopped at a certain ingredient that made her eyes widen. It happened to be the chrysalis needed for the Animagus potion. James, not knowing what it was for, simply took note of the thing that caught her attention. As the man came back, he carried an old tattered up book. He passed it to Aurelia who flipped through the pages in amazement. "Take it love, I'm sure it'll be of good use for you."

"Thank you so much, this means a lot to me." She smiled and looked back down at the book.

James signaled the man over to him pointing to the chrysalis that Aurelia was looking at. "Could I possibly get one of these please?" The man looked at James with a glint of something sparkling in his eyes.

"Aye, are you by chance Fleamont's son?" He opened up the jar and carefully removed two of them. He used his wand to wrap them up and gently put them in a bag.

James grinned and pushed his glasses up. "Yes I am, I reckon you know him?" He opened up his pouch of money, pulling out the coins necessary as well as a bit extra.

"Aye, I remember him coming in during his time at Hogwarts. Good fella, that man." The man went to give James his extra money back, but the young boy shook his head. He smiled knowing that his parents had made such good impressions on people. "Say, you've got a good lass over there. Make sure to treat her right."

"Oh no, we aren't together. She's my best friend." James blushed in embarrassment. He looked over to Aurelia who was peacefully reading her new book.

The man looked down at James with the knowing gleam in his eyes still present. "I see, well either way, keep an eye out for her. There aren't anymore people quite like her anymore." He patted James on the back. The two walked over to the witch, who looked up at James who had a new bag in his hand.

"Are you ready Rels?"

"Oh yes, sorry, I got lost in the pages. The notes are extraordinary. Is that what I think it is?" She gestured to the bag and James simply smiled as her eyes lit up. Aurelia threw her arms around him in excitement, "thank you so much!" She squealed.

James laughed and hugged her back. "Anytime Rel."

As they walked away, Aurelia turned around. "It was wonderful meeting you! I'll be back!" The man waved his hand and shook his head with a fond smile. On their way back to Hogwarts, the two smiling teens were unaware that they were being watched by a Ravenclaw with sad eyes.

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