Chapter 12

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There was one thing that Sirius and Aurelia didn't plan for when they boarded the Hogwarts Express for their second year. Regulus Black. The 12 year old witch walked behind the brothers thinking frantically about their options. However, rather than lying to the boy, she decided to be herself. As they approached the compartment, she tapped her wand on her stuffy dress and it transformed into her T-shirt, overalls, and Converse.

A familiar blonde Slytherin stood in their way with his arms crossed. There was a beautiful blonde behind him with a polite smile. "Regulus, come with us." He spat towards the younger boy. "Don't sit with them." Lucius sneered. If it were possible, his silver eyes would be burning a hole in Aurelia's head with how intense his glare was. Regulus turned towards his older brother and Aurelia, his brows furrowed seeing her new attire.

"Really Lucy? This again? Let him sit where he wants." Aurelia rolled her eyes.

Sirius nodded in agreement, "Last I checked Malfoy, he was my brother, not yours. Now piss off."

"And honestly, it's a shame that someone as beautiful as she is has to be stuck with a troll looking twat who is as thick as two short planks." Aurelia smirked when Lucius' face turned red in anger. His girlfriend's cheeks turned pink with the attention drawn on her. Regulus looked between the two people he arrived with in disbelief. This was not the same girl that made polite small talk with his parents, and frankly, he was afraid of the consequences.

So he made his choice. "I think I'm going to find Evan Rosier instead." Sirius looked at his younger brother in shock.

Before he could say something Aurelia cut him off. "That's alright love, we will be further down on the left if you need us." She gave him a warm smile before dragging Sirius away, only briefly stopping to flip off Lucius.

When they finally made it to the compartment, she pushed the door open dramatically and fell on the person closest to her. Looking up, she locked eyes with James and smiled brightly.

He matched her smile, "Hey Princess," he helped her to sit up before hugging her.

"Hey Captain." The nickname came from a shopping trip that Effie took them on over the summer. She made him try on a suit and Aurelia claimed it made him look like the captain from her favorite cereal. Sirius took a seat across from them and grumbled. "Oi! What's with the mood?" She poked his knee. He deadpanned at her before glancing at James.

"Oh come here already mate!" James laughed. Sirius grinned and jumped over, wrapping his arms around James. The grey eyed boy looked over at Aurelia and wiggled his eyebrows, making her roll her eyes. All summer, he had insisted that she fancied James. All summer, she had denied it. Remus and Peter finally showed up next, so Aurelia shoved past the two boys who were still hugging as if they hadn't seen each other in ages to greet her other friends.

"Peter look at you! You've gotten taller!" She grabbed the boy's cheeks and squished them before hugging him. "And Remus! The hair?!" He had grown his hair out over the summer, giving it a bit of a shaggy look. A glimpse of red hair was seen approaching with a mop of black hair. James sat up as the two came into view and ran a hand through his hair to try and fix it. Sirius looked at Aurelia who was trying to hide her falling smile.

Lily looked at Aurelia, trying to ignore the eager person trying to get her attention. "Hey Aurelia, can we talk for a moment?" The brunette nodded and hid her nerves behind her smile. She stood up and followed the two to a different compartment. As they sat, Lily started speaking "We are sorry if we offended you." The redhead frowned and nudged her friend.

"Yes, we are sorry." In all honesty, Severus did feel bad, but he couldn't understand why she was upset.

Aurelia shook her head, "It's fine you guys. It was just an over reaction." Severus narrowed his eyes, he had picked up on her strained smile.

"You're lying." Both Lily and Aurelia tensed at his bluntness. "Why were you upset?"

She fiddled with her fingers and looked down to the ground before muttering. "If you hate them, you must hate me." The two grew silent.

Lily scooted to the seat next to Aurelia and placed her hand on her knee. "Oh love, we don't necessarily hate them." Severus scoffed and the red head glared in his direction. "It's just they are a bit much at times. But we don't find you to be too much at all. If it will make you feel better, we will try to not insult them as often anymore." Aurelia considered and nodded.

"Thank you, I'd appreciate that." Severus watched her with a frown as she walked away. On her way back she bumped into another friend.

"Ciao Bella!" Enzo grinned down at her as he joined her side. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Hi Enzo, how was your summer?"

"It was wonderful, next time you'll have to visit us in Italy." She nodded along as he talked about the various things to do back home until they reached her compartment. He opened the door for her and all 4 boys froze in place. They looked at the two before Sirius stood up from his seat next to James and moved over to Remus' side. He subtly winked at Aurelia whose ears turned pink. "Hello boys." Enzo greeted with a wave. They each responded with various greetings of their own.

"Thank you," she said to Enzo as she made her way to the seat. James shifted on the seat to lay down, putting his head in Aurelia's lap so the Ravenclaw wouldn't have room to join.

The older boy sent a wink to Aurelia, "Anytime Bella." His smile would make any girl's heart swoon, but not Aurelia's. James narrowed his eyes at the boy, watching him close the door. Aurelia had paid no attention to the flirty tones and looks given to her, and instead focused on running her hand through James' messy hair.

"So James, do you know when quidditch tryouts are?" He looked up at her with the biggest smile. Now that is the smile that had her heart. She gulped as she had to finally face the truth. She had a crush on James Potter.

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