Chapter 18

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Classes seemed to drag on for the students after the winter break. The weather finally started to warm as days turned into months. When the final class ended on Friday, the group of lions headed to the courtyard to spend time in the rest of the beautiful day outside. Remus laid out on the grass, his eyes closed as he slept. The boy was still feeling the effects of the recent full moon. Aurelia sat beside him, running her hand through his hair. There was a charms book in her lap that she was using to help tutor Peter. The boy across from her took notes as she talked him through each topic. Sirius and James were a little bit farther away, testing out various transfiguration spells.

It was all interrupted when another body plopped down onto the grass next to Aurelia. Peter didn't mind Enzo joining, instead he kept focusing on his assignment. The witch gave the Ravenclaw a polite smile and helped Peter with a question he was having issues with. Sirius nudged James in the distance and pointed over to the group. Enzo's eyes darted to her bare neck. "You're not wearing your gift Bella, do you not like it?"

"Oh sorry, I love it, I'm just not fond of silver." She frowned slightly. The boy nodded, lost in thought.

"Bring it back to me and I'll fix it for you." Sirius and James ran up to the group, overhearing the conversation.

Sirius barked out a laugh, "Her name literally means golden one and you got her something silver." James joined in on the laughter. The third year blushed in embarrassment, but plastered a charming grin on his face.

"That may be so, but she would look stunning in either."

She didn't even pick her head up from the book in front of her, "Boys, play nice." All three grumbled and rolled their eyes but complied nonetheless. Peter's shoulders shook in silent laughter. A small owl flew up, dropping a letter in the girl's lap before quickly flying off again. She furrowed her brows as she read over her uncle's handwriting. Her eyes occasionally darting to where Sirius stood. All the boys that were awake watched her curiously as she read and then reread the letter.

"Everything alright Bella?" They all looked at her as they waited for an answer. Her face turned pale and her hands slightly shook from nerves.

She turned to the Ravenclaw with a small smile, "Could you excuse us for a moment Enz? It's just something private." She folded up the letter.

Enzo searched her face in worry but gave her a small hug before standing up. "If you need me, you know where to find me. Bring me the necklace and I'll fix it for you later." After he walked off, she shoved the letter at Sirius.

"I have to stay at your house for a little bit over the summer. Papa said she cornered him and insisted on it, about a week. He's trying to get her to narrow it down to 3 days but she seems to be suspicious of our act." Sirius blanched and read over the letter frantically. James ran his hand through his hair.

"You can't go Rellie," he whispered. "If they find out you are lying to them, who knows what will happen."

"Well they just won't find out then, I can't let Sirius go there alone after I tell them 'Hey I can't make it, I'm not really a snobby prat.'"

Sirius shook his head, "I can't let you get in trouble because of me Rellie."

"They won't find out, I'll be alright." The witch stood up and walked off in search of a specific Slytherin.

James looked over to Sirius in worry, the boy hung his head, "I'll watch after her mate."

"Watch after each other. At least it's only a few days."

There wasn't much that scared Aurelia. Deep water, and losing the ones she loved were the only two things on the list. However, she knew heading into the pit of snakes would cause a commotion she didn't want to deal with. So she waited outside the door to their common room, pacing until someone would finally show up.

To her misfortune, it was a group of boys she didn't really want to try and convince. Lucius sneered at her before brushing past her into the common room. Narcissa sent a polite smile as she walked by. A couple other pureblood pricks followed quickly after. Rabastan and Tiberius stayed behind, crossing their arms right in front of the lone Gryffindor. "Why is the little lion always trying to go where she doesn't belong?" Tiberius smirked at her.

Her eyes held no fear as she stepped up to them defiantly. "Unfortunately for you both, I'm not here for either one of you." She smiled lazily at them. "I just need to speak with Regulus, and I was trying to be considerate and not enter your sacred common room."

Rabastan looked at her with narrowed eyes. "What's your business with Black? Trying to convince him to join your merry band of blood traitors." He circled her, like a predator stalking his prey. "Rumor is you're a pureblood, if that's true, it's a shame we didn't get you on our side."

Aurelia suppressed the urge to pull her wand out, not wanting to cause a scene. "Yes, everyone is disappointed in something. My business with him is frankly none of your business."

Tiberius laughed lowly, twirling his now present wand in his hand. "Your message won't be passed if you don't tell us what you need." Her eyes darted behind him to an upcoming figure.

"I'll just ask someone else then." Luckily, it was Severus who approached. He looked at the three with an unidentifiable expression. "Severus, could you please tell Regulus that I need to speak with him?" The boy was conflicted, seeing the other two boys sending a glare at him.

"Run along Snape, don't listen to her." Rabastan sneered. She watched her friend intently with a pleading look in her eyes. Without a word, he turned and walked into the common room. Aurelia sighed and bit her lip to think of her other options.

"What is it you want Rabastan?" She turned to face him, trusting Tiberius wouldn't hex her from behind. They were rude, but they've never done anything physically harmful to her yet.

The Lestrange boy smiled broadly. "We told you, tell us what you want with Black."  His eyes glinted with amusement as he noticed her start to give in. Just as she opened her mouth, the door to the common room opened and out walked Regulus and Evan Rosier.

"Aurelia? What are you doing here?" Regulus asked. Severus had told him the witch was outside for him, but to act like he was unaware for Severus' sake.

Aurelia smiled in relief, while Rabastan groaned. "Just who I was looking for! I needed to talk with you and my friend here was just about to let me in to find you." She gestured to Rabastan who glared as she fell into step with the younger Black brother. "You're welcome to hear this too Evan." The witch smirked over her shoulder at the two Slytherin's who were left gaping in disbelief.

When they were out of ear shot, she finally said what she needed. "I will be staying at your house for a few days over the summer." Regulus froze and stared at her with wide eyes. "I know you haven't said anything to your parents about how I really act. I'm not asking you to get in trouble for me, so in the chances they find out, I will tell them that you were unaware because I lied whenever I was around you." The boy nodded in understanding. "That being said, I'm trusting you won't say anything to give me away at least until after I leave. Think of it as a deal, I'll take the fall for you if things go bad as long as you don't snitch."

After a brief moment of silence, he stuck his hand out. She took it with a firm grip and gave him a smile as she shook it. "Pleasure doing business with you Regulus." She turned abruptly on her heel before walking away. After rounding the corner, her shoulders slumped as she let out a nervous breath.

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