Chapter 24

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Instead of having Sirius with her to dress shop, she asked Lily to go with her. He had decided to go to James' house for the winter break, leaving Cassius to taking the girls to the muggle world for her shopping.

"I can't believe you said yes to Sirius." Lily giggled as she browsed through the racks.

Aurelia groaned, her head was thrown back in frustration. "What was I supposed to do? I don't intend on being a pity date forever. I also think Enzo was trying to ask me on a date and I just don't know how to feel."

Lily side glanced in Aurelia's direction before tossing two dresses her way. "He seems like a nice boy."

"Enzo?" Lily nodded and grinned. "He is to me, not really to the boys. He's stunning for sure, I mean have you seen him? Perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect skin. The girls are crawling at his feet just to talk to him."

The red head shrugged, "He seems to only fancy you Rels, maybe he's a prat to them because he's just jealous that they have your attention." The two girls crammed together in a dressing room, taking turns trying on different gowns.

"I just don't know Lils. It wouldn't be fair to him considering." Aurelia frowned and tears sprung to her eyes. "But maybe it would be good for me to try. It would take a miracle for James to see me as someone more than a friend."

Lily quickly wrapped her in a hug, making sure to wipe away the tears. When she pulled away, she touched up Aurelia's curls and cupped her cheeks. "You should do what your heart says. Nobody is forcing you to be in a relationship, you're still young. You have your whole life ahead of you." The brunette nodded, and then turned to the mirror. She smiled softly at the golden gown. It was simple but extravagant at the same time.

As they exited the store, they were chatting and giggling, unaware of their surroundings. Suddenly, she collided with someone, dropping her bag. The person reached out a hand to help her up, grabbing her bag with the other hand. "I'm so sorry," Aurelia started, when she looked up at the person she gasped. "Oh Enzo! I'm sorry!"

"No worries Bella," he smiled back, all of his pearly white teeth seeming to sparkle. "Hello Lily," the boy nodded in her direction. The witch sent a small wave in acknowledgement. He reached in his pocket, before pulling out a small box. "I guess now is a good time, your gift." Cassius was standing a bit away, watching the interaction carefully.

Aurelia's cheeks flushed. "Thank you Enz, you carried it on you?"

He held his hands up, "Guilty amore, I just bought it today." Lily raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. "Go ahead and open it."

"How thoughtful," Aurelia quipped, she removed the lid to the box and forced a smile. "Thank you, this is nice." She pulled out a silver bracelet.

"Let me help you put it on," he reached for the piece of jewelry. Aurelia dropped it back in the box and slid the lid back on.

He stared at her for a moment, so she spoke up. "I'll put it on later, I'm not wearing anything nice right now and I'd hate to not do that bracelet justice."

"Oh Bella, you'd make anything look brilliant. Don't be silly." He grabbed the box from her hands and removed the bracelet. Gently, he clasped it onto her wrist before placing a kiss on the back of her hand. "See? Absolutely stunning."

Cassius rolled his eyes and walked over, "Ladies, it's time to leave."

Aurelia let out a breath of relief, not unnoticed by Lily and her Uncle. "Okay Papa,"

"Hello Mister Sallow, I'm Enzo Amadori. Pleasure to meet you." The boy stood straighter and stuck his hand out.

Cassius looked down at the outstretched hand not shaking it, "Yes, same to you. Let's go kid." Enzo nodded and dropped his hand, his confidence fading quickly.

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