Chapter 11

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Aurelia contemplated for 23 minutes. She paced in front of the professor's door for 17 of those minutes. Lily watched her for 3 of those minutes before grabbing her hand and knocking on the door. Aurelia's eyes widened when the Professor opened the door. He was older and had a mustache that curled upwards at the ends. His glasses sat at the tip of his nose. He was the Defense professor this year and he was a kind man. "What can I do for you two?" The wizard smiled down at the pair.

"I wanted to know who I can talk to about joining the choir, do you happen to have any information?" That wasn't originally her question, but with Lily next to her, she couldn't ask what she really needed.

"Ah! The choir! There is nothing formal at the moment, but if you go see Professor Flitwick he would be glad to help you." The girls muttered their thanks and walked off before Aurelia turned back.

"Go ahead Lils, I'll catch up." The redhead continued on, while Aurelia stayed back. She made her way back into the DADA Professor's office. "Excuse me Professor?"

"Yes Miss -?"

"Sallow, Aurelia Sallow."

He nodded, "Indeed, what else can I help you with?"

"I had a question about 'dark' creatures." She used her fingers to make air quotes around the word dark. "Obviously when it comes to vampires and werewolves there is no cure, but is there anything that makes their lives easier?" His eyes softened at the genuine care in the young girl's voice.

"It depends, vampires have an easier time managing their situation as they keep more control of their senses. Werewolves on the other hand don't have much help. They don't have control when they turn, especially if they reject that part of themselves. Their best options are turning in forests away from people."

"But what about the animals? Could the werewolf hurt the animals? Do the animals change too if they get bit by a werewolf?" The man chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't fret Miss Sallow, they won't harm the animals."

Aurelia nodded and smiled, "Thanks Professor!" She turned and walked out, only to be lifted up in the air. Her laugh echoed through the halls. "James! Put me down!" Instead of listening, he started running faster. "Where are we going?!" Her eyes widened as she saw Filch turning the corner from over James shoulder. "James Potter what did you do?!" The boy said nothing until he found a cabinet big enough to hide in. He set her down and held up a finger to silence her as the angry man hurried past. Once he felt he was in the clear, James let out an exasperated breath.

"Sirius — Slytherins — dungbombs — cat." He said each word in between pants.

Aurelia laughed. "What does that have to do with me?"

James shrugged and pushed up his glasses, "You were in the way." The witch rolled her eyes before holding up her wand and whispering Lumos. The light revealed a room that was dark and dusty and cold. "What is this?" The boy reached for her hand to keep from losing her.

"I'm not sure," she walked over to one of the pillars. S.S. O.G. and M.R. were carved into the stone. However the 'R' was crossed out and an 'S' was etched above it with a poorly drawn heart. Her fingers ran over the initials with a smile on her face. "I love it though."

James shivered, "I don't know, it's dark in here. Let's go." Aurelia followed him out of the cabinet, and she watched as the gears on the doors turned as if it were locked.

The rest of the months flew by. Her days were always busy. Mondays were spent with Peter and Remus in the library to study for exams. Tuesdays were saved for teaching Sirius muggle things and in return he gave her pureblood lessons for her act around his parents. Wednesdays were actually spent with Enzo and a Slytherin by the name of Dorcas. They were usually out at the Black Lake talking about everything. Thursdays were days spent with her dorm mates. Fridays were days spent to herself, either catching up on assignments or just relaxing. Saturdays were James' days, it mostly consisted of quidditch lessons and sneaking to the kitchens. Usually the night would end in her staying at the boys' dorm to prepare for the next day. That being said, Sundays were for the entire group. They planned pranks, and caused trouble everywhere they went.

When they boarded the train for the trip back home for summer break, Aurelia spent the day pouting. No amount of candy, hugs, or jokes would bring her to smile. Sirius sat next to her, equally as upset. He nervously picked at his fingers so Aurelia reached for his hand and intertwined their fingers. "You should all come over at some point!" James shouted to break the silence.

"That sounds nice James." Aurelia said with a soft smile as she leaned her head onto Sirius' shoulder. Her uncle sent her a letter with the spell to transform her clothes so that when she gets off the train, Sirius' parents won't see her in muggle clothes.

She tapped her wand onto her outfit, and the boys watched as her clothes transformed into a stuffy dress. James wrinkled his nose and Peter gaped at her.

"Merlin you look like you're going to a funeral." Remus snickered at her pout. She flipped him off before hugging the werewolf. "Take care Rellie, I'll send you an owl."

Peter hugged her next, "I'll see you this summer hopefully!" She giggled and slipped him a muggle candy.

"Of course Petey! You can't get rid of me!" James gave Sirius a hug, whispering something in his ear that Aurelia couldn't hear. Next he grinned at her, and wrapped his arms around her, being careful of her hair.

"I'll see you soon yeah?" He whispered to her. The tips of her ears turned pink, catching Sirius' attention. Her heartbeat picked up but she swallowed the feeling. All of a sudden, she grew nervous in front of her best friend. "Did you want me to wait for you?"

The witch pulled away and shook her head, "No it's alright, I don't want to keep Effie and Monty waiting. But I'll owl you as soon as I get home?" James smiled and hugged her once more.

"You better."

Aurelia linked arms with Sirius as they got off the train. "What was that?" He whispered as they walked towards their guardians. Cassius stood unhappily next to Walburga and Orion.

The tips of her ears turned pink again. "Don't worry about it." The truth was, she couldn't understand why she felt the way she did when James hugged her.

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