Chapter 48

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Aurelia pushed her way through the narrow corridor on the Hogwarts Express. Her dark eyes scanned the compartments looking for a specific person. She received a letter earlier that morning from Regulus Black asking for her to meet with him on the train. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth when she finally found him. He sat with Barty and Evan, the latter having sweets spread on the seat between them. She slipped into the compartment and shut the door behind her before slumping onto the seat next to Regulus. "Boys," she greeted with a grin. Evan nodded at her at the same time that Barty waved.

"Morning Aurelia." His demeanor was stiff but as friendly as Regulus could be. "I have some rather unfortunate news."

The witch grimaced, "Lovely, and here I thought you just wanted to enjoy my company."

"I'll always enjoy your company beautiful," Barty sent her a playful wink. Regulus rolled his eyes and the two other boys started laughing.

"Anyways, mother has found out about your new relationship. Needless to say she is not pleased. I believe she's inviting you over at some point this summer to encourage other options."

Aurelia pursed her lips and her head hit the wall behind her in exasperation. "Thank you for telling me Reg."

The younger Slytherin shrugged nonchalantly, "Don't mention it. Also, I apologize for Lestrange and the quidditch match." The words were tense as apologizing made him uncomfortable.

Aurelia gave him a warm smile and a hug before she stood up. The boy tensed for a moment before relaxing in her embrace. "Don't mention it Reg." She stood up and saluted the other two. "I will see you boys later."

"OWL ME LATER" Barty stuck his head out of the compartment after she left to yell at her. She laughed and shook her head in amusement.

"IN YOUR DREAMS BARTY!" As she continued to her compartment, her smile faded as she thought about going back to the Black Manor. She tried to shake off the growing pit of anxiety, but the pale face and forced smile didn't fool the boys when she made it back to their compartment. "Did you miss me?" She tried to joke as she sat down but was met with narrowed eyes and silence.

"What happened?" James put a finger under her chin and scanned her over for any physical harm. His eyes were full of worry as he looked over her features.

Her expression softened, seeing the amount of care he showed her. "Nothing important, I've only been made aware of some new plans this summer." Her eyes darted to Sirius who gulped.

James turned to the longer haired boy, "Did you know about whatever is happening?"

Sirius shook his head, "I wasn't told anything mate."

"Reggie said she knows about my relationship, she wants to convince me of other options." She squeezed James' hand. He wrapped an arm around her protectively.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to go Rellie?" Peter frowned at the witch. "Surely your uncle would be able to tell them no?"

"It sounds too risky Rels." Remus piped up.

Sirius nodded along, his face full of guilt. "I agree, you're not going to come."

Aurelia locked eyes with him, the fierce loyalty that runs through her soul was evident in her tone. "You cannot tell me what to do. If she asks me to be there, I will oblige. I will not put you at risk of backlash."

"Aurelia—."James tried to reason with her. She waved a hand and glared at him.

"No James, you will not talk me out of it. My safety is not more important than his. I chose years ago to help ease his life at home because I care about him. I'm going and that's that." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"You stubborn girl," James shook his head with a small grin. "If either of you are in trouble get me immediately. I don't care if I have to duel your entire family Padfoot." The rest of the trip back went as normal, friendly banter and sweets were shared amongst the group.

When they arrived, Aurelia took a deep breath. She decided to stick to her normal outfit as she got off the train. James kissed her once on the forehead before heading to his parents while she joined Sirius' parents. As always, he stayed and watched from a distance to ensure her safety. When Aurelia and Sirius approached Walburga and Orion, she immediately picked up on her uncle's furious expression. Walburga looked at the young witch's muggle attire that matched Sirius' style with disapproval. "Aurelia, pleasure to see you." Aurelia gave a polite nod before turning to hug Sirius.

"Owl me if it's bad. I'll come over as soon as possible." She whispered in his ear quietly.

"The Blacks have invited you to stay for a few days over the summer. I've told them that you may have plans already so it is your option." Cassius looked at his niece with raised eyebrows. Aurelia grasped Sirius' hand to give a reassuring squeeze.

"I'm sure I can make time, I do enjoy spending time with Sirius." She smiled at him, Walburga nodded once more before guiding her family away. Once they apparated, Aurelia frowned at Cassius. "I don't trust them."

"Me neither kid. In other news, I've heard a certain someone finally found the courage to ask you on a date." The man's eyes twinkled at the blush on Aurelia's face. "Let's go see them before we head home." He grabbed her trunk and the two headed over to the excited trio waiting for them.

Effie nearly knocked her two boys over trying to hug the girl first. "Oh love, I'm so happy for you two! I have been waiting for this moment since I've met you." Aurelia smiled warmly back.

"Mum, you're suffocating her!" James pulled at his mother's arm. "We've only had one date, I don't want her to die before our second!"

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