Chapter 1 (Longer Chapter)

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Special Victims Unit, New York City Police Department, New York City

Lieutenant Olivia Benson stood in the middle of her office going over the case they had with her team and the FBI profiler who flew in from Quantico to help them with their case. "So where are we?" Lieutenant Benson asked nobody in particular as she took a sip of her coffee from the to go cup she was holding in her hand. 

"Our tech analyst starting going through the computer we found at the scene and Rossi's right our unsub's been doing this for a long time," Agent Morgan answered the Lieutenant. "What's the timeline looking like?" Detective Carisi asked. "So far the earliest video we found was from 10 years ago," Agent Morgan replied. "How many?" Detective Rollins asked trying to cover the sadness in her voice. "a dozen different teenage girls at least," Agent Morgan replied as the BAU unit chief Aaron Hotchner's phone began to ring. 

"Garcia, you got something?" Agent Hotchner asked her answering the call. "Yeah, so I was running photos of the kids from the videos through facial recognition - you got a hit?" Agent Hotchner asked her. "Not exactly, Do you remember the case we worked with Andy Swan's unit?" Garcia asked him. "I do," he replied, "Do you remember the agent that was undercover on that case?" Garcia asked him as Agent Hotchner paused trying to recall the name of the agent. "Agent Hale, I believe why?" He asked. 

"I found a video of her on this hard drive..." Garcia said trailing off. "Send it to me, and you're sure it's her Garcia?" Agent Hotchner replied. "Already sent, it looks like it was taken years ago but yeah I'm certain it's her Hotch," Garcia replied as he pulled the video up only making it through 5 seconds before instantly shutting it off. 

Agent Hale couldn't be older than 15 in the video, "Garcia can you get me Agent Hale's information- I sent her cell number," Garcia replied. "Can you send me her home and work address, this isn't something I wanna bring up over the phone," Agent Hotchner replied. "Sent, Agent Hale's working as a detective with the Chicago police department's Intelligence unit out of the 21st district," Garcia replied. "Thank you, Garcia," Agent Hotchner said before he hung up the line. 

"Garcia might have found another victim from the hard drives, she lives in Chicago, Reid and I will go talk to her," Agent Hotchner told his team and the Special Victims Unit. Doctor Reid sent him a confused look but nodded before following the unit chief out of the building. 

Intelligence Unit, 21st District Police Department, Chicago Illinois

Sophia sat at her desk that was pressed against Jay's desk as she chugged her second coffee even though everyone got to work within the last half an hour. "Here, I kinda figured you could use this," Jay said as he set a can of Pacific Punch monster energy on Sophia's desk in front of her. "Oh my gosh, thank you. You're a lifesaver," Sophia said gratefully as she cracked the can open and started taking a few chugs of the carbonated fruit punch. 

"Will and I were planning to grab a couple of drinks after shift at Molly's, and catch the Hawks game if you wanna join?" Jay offered as he took a seat at his desk. "Sure, sounds like a plan," Sophia agreed. "What are you doing for your birthday this weekend?" Jay asked earning an eye roll from Sophia. "Absolutely nothing, and it's going to stay like that." She replied. 

"Your "birthday's this weekend? Why don't we celebrate by throwing a party?" Ruzek asked from his desk. The comment made Sophia send him a look, "I don't want a party, please just... forget that Detective Chuckles here said anything," Sophia said as she took another chug of the energy drink Jay brought her. 

"Detective Hale, there's a couple of suits downstairs looking for you," Sergeant Platt said appearing at the top of the stairs. The rest of the intelligence unit turned their attention toward Sophia confused as she stood up from her desk with her energy drink. "What's going on?" Voight asked her, "I'm not sure, but I'll let you know when I do," Sophia replied before following Sergeant Platt down the stairs and through the gated door. 

The detective made her way down the last few steps to the first floor in front of the sergeant's desk. Standing there were 2 agents she hadn't seen in almost a year. "Agent Hotchner, Dr. Reid, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you two all the way to Chicago and the 21st?" Sophia asked them. "We're working a case in New York and well, we think you might be able to help us find our unsub," agent Hotchner replied. 

The detective was instantly confused, "I can try, what makes you both think I know your unsub?" She asked. Agent Hotchner and Dr. Reid went quiet for a moment, "Is there somewhere we can talk? It'll only take a minute?" Agent Hotchner asked her. The detective looked around and nodded before leading them into an empty office across from Sergeant Platt's desk. 

Sophia could feel the sergeant watching them like Hawks as they stepped into the office leaving the door open. "We believe you might have run into our unsub while you were a teenager," Dr. Reid replied. "okay? can you be a little more specific?" Sophia asked them. "Something might have happened? when you were around 14-15..." Agent Hotchner replied as he and Dr. Reid stood there profiling Sophia's reaction. 

She let out a sigh, "Again you're gonna have to be more specific, my childhood was a literal series of unfortunate events," Sophia replied. Dr. Reid and Agent Hotchner went quiet for a moment as the BAU unit chief pulled his phone out. "I'm gonna show you a short video and I need you to tell us what you remember if you're up for it?" Agent Hotchner said more than asked as Sophia nodded quietly. 

Agent Hotchner held the device out to her and the 3 second clip started playing thankfully without audio. It only took Sophia a second to look away immediately greeted by a few blurry memories of that night. "You remember?" Dr. Reid said more than asked. "It's all mostly a blur," Sophia replied as she walked over to a chair and sat down, and let out a shaky breathe. "Where did this even come from?" Sophia asked them. "Our Tech Analyst found this video along with a dozen others on a hard drive we found at a crime scene, along with the body of a teenage girl," Agent Hotchner replied. 

"Do you know who he is?" Dr. Reid asked as Sophia shook her head no, "I don't know who took the video, but I might know where he's finding these girls, who he gets them from," Sophia replied. Agent Hotchner and Dr. Reid exchanged silent looks for a moment, "Would you be willing to come back to New York with us? Help us with this case?" Agent Hotchner asked her. Sophia went quiet, "I'd have to get it approved by my boss," the detective replied. "I can talk to him and inform him we're borrowing you for a case," Agent Hotchner replied. 

The detective led Agent Hotchner and Dr. Reid through the gate and upstairs into the intelligence unit. The moment the three appeared the office went silent and Sergeant Voight appeared in the doorway to his office. "Hale, what's going on?" Voight asked her, "Can we talk for a minute?" She asked him while ignoring the looks Jay was giving her. 

Sergeant Voight nodded and walked into his office followed by Sophia, Agent Hotchner, and Dr. Reid. "Sergeant Voight," he said holding his hand out. "I'm unit chief agent Aaron Hotchner, and this is Dr. Reid we're with the FBI's Behavioural Analysis Unit," He introduced as he shook the sergeant's hand. "Agents, what can we do for you?" Voight asked them, "We're working a case in New York with the NYPD's Special Victims Unit and we believe Detective Hale might be able to help us on our investigation," Agent Hotchner replied. 

Sergeant Voight was quiet for a moment looking at his detective, then to the agents. "I'm okay with it as long as Detective Hale is on board," Voight replied finally looking back at Sophia who stayed quiet and nodded her head yes. 


Hey everyone, I hope you liked Chapter 1, I know there's a lot going on already and it's only Chapter 1. I hope you all enjoyed the Criminal Minds surprise in this chapter! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments and I'm hoping to have chapter 2 posted sometime today ( Saturday, May 18th, 2024) 


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