Chapter 14

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1 Month Later 

21st District Police Department, Chicago Illinois 

Sofia threw herself into case after case intelligence caught and still went to her appointments with Dr. Reese twice a week even if she didn't say much, they talk about the weather, how things are going followed by and long hour of silence until their session was over. Sofia kept herself so busy she didn't have time to think about what happened. 

That is until she laid in bed at night and it's all she could think about all night, in her sleep. The hellish memories were constant. The team rolled back into the district after bringing in their killer and closing their week long investigation. "Wanna grab a couple drinks at Molly's?" Jay asked Sofia as they made their way up to the intelligence unit. "Did you say Molly's? I'm in," Antonio agreed walking ahead of them. 

"I could go for a round what about you Kev?" Ruzek asked Atwater. "Sounds like a plan to me," Atwater replied. "Yeah, I could use a drink after this one," Sofia agreed as everyone gathered their stuff and left the district heading over to Bucktown for a drink at Molly's. 

Molly's Bar, Bucktown Chicago Illinois 

Sofia, Jay and Will sat at a table near the back of the bar. "So, I've been meaning to ask how are your therapy sessions going?" Jay asked her as he drank his beer. Sofia took a sip of her long island iced tea. "They're going, I'm polite we make small talk then proceed to spend an hour sitting in silence," Sofia replied honestly as she took a sip of her drink. 

"seriously? you just sit there? in silence?" Jay asked her earning a nod. "You could always try opening up, Reese is really nice and you never know you might actually gain something from these sessions," Will replied. "You get what you put into it," he added. 

"Did Dr. Reese say something to you?" Sofia asked Will as she raised an eyebrow at the oldest Halstead brother. "She asked if we were close and wanted to know if there was anyway to get you to maybe open up to her. I'll tell you what I told her, I don't really know how to help you with that but that seems like her area of expertise. My word of advice Sof, you can't knock it until you try it. I'm gonna get a refill, do either of you want another?" Will asked as he got up from his seat. 

"Sure, thanks man," Jay replied as Sofia shook her head. "I'm probably gonna grab something to eat on the way home, watch Rhea Ripley's match before I crash for the night. We'll hang out soon" Sofia replied to Will as she pulled him into a hug. "And I'll see you at work," Sofia said as she gave Jay a hug before she made her way out of the bar. Sofia climbed into her car and drove back to her apartment stopping to grab chicken nuggets from McDonalds. 

Sofia Hale's Apartment Building, East Garfield Park, Chicago Illinois

Sofia carried her bag of food into her apartment, shutting and locking the door behind her before she made her way over to the couch. She sat down and turned on Rhea Ripley's match against Becky Lynch while she ate her chicken nuggets. Sofia made it an hour into the match before she ended up falling asleep on the couch. 

A few hour later Sofia woke up to sharp lower abdominal pain to the point she curled herself up into a ball hoping the pain would subside. It didn't it only got worse and worse followed by a wave of nausea and her stomach turning causing her to throw up on the floor next to the couch. 

Sofia pushed herself up taking 3 steps only to have the abdominal pain get worse sending her to the floor crying in pain and throwing up again when she noticed the couch where she was sitting had so much blood. Through her blurry vision she managed to call 911 as she fell in and out of consciousness. 

Every time she'd pass out the pain would wake up in so much pain she cried out in agony noticing a couple paramedics walk in she didn't recognise. "Hey, we're here to help you. My name's Chout, what's your name?" he asked her. "s-sofia," she managed to say through her tears. "That's a really nice name, can you tell me what hurts Sofia?" he asked her. "m-my abdomen," she replied through tears still curled in a ball on the floor as another wave of nausea hit her followed by her throwing up again until she couldn't see. "I don't like how much blood she's loosing," another voice said. "We gotta move her and get her to the hospital," Chout said as everything around her blurred in and out. 

Sofia felt them lift her onto a stretcher and wheel her out of the apartment and building loading her into an ambulance before everything faded out. "Sofia, hey can you keep your eyes open for me?" Chout asked her as he looked at the monitors she was connected to.

The ambulance came to a stop and Sofia felt the stretcher move through her blurry, tear filled vision watching the bright lights move past as she was wheeled into the hospital and ED. "Chout what do we got?" another unfamiliar voice asked. "26 year old Sofia Hale, found in her apartment projectile vomiting and lost quite a lot of blood but we can't find where it's coming from, along with extreme abdominal pain," Chout replied before they moved her from the stretcher into the hospital bed. 

The doctor started going through an exam, "start a morpine drip for the pain, Sofia we're gonna give you some morphne to help with the pain. Your having an ectopic pregnancy," she told Sofia who was in tears and pain. "Am I gonna die?" Sofia asked her through tears. "yes possibly," she replied causing Sofia to start sobbing more and to begin panicking. 

Im Dying? what?! I'm only 26. "It's okay to cry," the doctor told her only causing her to cry more as she managed to pull her phone out called Will and Jay on a two way call not knowing what to do the moment her doctor stepped out of the room. The line rang a few times, "halstead," Jay said answering his phone first. Sofia sniffled through her tears, "Jay," she said through tears. "Sof, is everything okay? why are you calling at 4 in the morning?" Will asked Answering the phone. "n-no" Sofia choked out as she started sobbing, "Sof what's going on?" Jay asked immediately more awake the moment he heard Sofia crying through the phone. 

"I-i woke up t-throwing up and b-bleeding out. I -i called an ambulance, t-they brought me to the h-hospital," Sofia started to say through tears  "i-i asked the d-doctor if i-i'm dying and she basically s-said yes. W-what do I do? I-i don't wanna d-die," Sofia sobbed into the phone. "Sof what hospital are you in?" Will asked through the line in tears as well. "E-east m-mercy, I-think,"  Sofia replied through tears. "We're on our way okay Sof, just hang on," Jay said with a shakey voice through the line. 

It didn't take long for another wave of nausea to hit and Sofia began violently throwing up again. The morphine wasn't helping much for her abdominal pain but it made her loopy, groggy and nauseous. "Sof?!" she looked up noticing Will and Jay bolt into the room and instantly pulled her into a hug. 

Jay and Will let go of the hug as Sofia was hit with another wave of nausea causing her to grab the small bucket next to the bed and start violently throwing up. Jay rubbed her back as Will shook his head. "I'm gonna go find your doctor and figure out what the Hell's going on," he said looking at Jay. "I've got her, go." Jay replied sitting next to Sofia's bed rubbing her back until she stopped throwing up. "jay, i-i'm scared. i-i don't wanna die," Sofia said through tears causing Jay to start tearing up. Jay didn't know what to say so he pulled Sofia into a hug. "me to sof," he said softly. 


Hey everyone that's the end of chapter 14! I'm hoping to have Chapter 15 posted later today. If not chapter 15 will be posted tomorrow (Sunday, June 23rd 2024) I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments and I also wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all your love and support on this story so far. 


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