Chapter 5 (Longer Chapter)

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Intelligence Unit, 21st District Police Department, Chicago Illinois 

The last 2 days everyone stayed late working overtime trying to catch this robbery crew that managed to rob another house last night leaving both parents dead and a young 6 year old boy orphaned and traumatized after watching both his parents murdered in front of him. 

The unit managed to catch one of the guys in the robbery crew, Jay and Voight were in interrogation trying to get the names of the other members of the crew. Sophia sat at her desk thinking about the little boy they found when they arrived on the scene last night. He was only 6, and had to now spend the rest of his childhood in foster care, all being this robbery crew decided they had to kill instead of just taking what they broke in for and walking away. 

The detective let out a shakey breath as she stood up from her desk and made her way into the break room to make herself a coffee even though it was close to 8 PM. She knew what the foster homes in Chicago were like and she wouldn't wish that fate on her worst enemy. Sophia poured herself a mug of coffee, trying to shake the unwelcome memories of all the homes CPS placed her in. "Isn't it a bit late for coffee? You're gonna be wired until 3 Am if you drink that," Jay said walking into the break room. 

His voice caused Sophia to jump at the sudden sound, as she turned to look at him. "It won't make a difference, I haven't been sleeping well anyways," Sophia replied honestly. Jay sent her a look but stayed quiet. "Did he flip? give you the names of the rest of the crew?" She asked as she took a sip of the hot coffee. Jay nodded, "He did, we're gearing up to bring them in," he replied. 

Sophia nodded and set the mug on the counter before she and Jay both made their way downstairs to meet the rest of the team. By the time they got downstairs, Dawson was handing out blackout gear and bulletproof vests. Jay and Sophia started putting their gear on and he helped her put her bulletproof vest on. "thanks," Sophia said softly looking at Jay who smiled at her, "Always," he replied as Voight told them the raid plan and everyone loaded into undercover vehicles. 

 South Trumbull Ave, Little Village, Chicago Illinois 

Jay pulled his pickup truck behind Voights SUV everyone had their headlights off when they pulled onto Trumbull Ave. Quietly everyone climbed out of the vehicles, Jay handed Sophia an M4A1 carbine (A/N: I'm Canadian and know next to nothing about guns.) "Stay close," Jay said as they made their way towards the 2 story house along with the rest of the team. 

"Halstead, Hale Dawson take the back," Voight told them keeping his voice down. The three detectives made their way around the back of the house pausing at the back door waiting for Voight to give them the green light. Jay looked at his phone noticing a message from Voight 

'10' -Voight 

Jay put his phone away and started counting down from 5 silently with his hand. When he reached 1 Dawson kicked the door in, Jay took the lead followed by Dawson and then Hale as they started clearing the first floor. Out of the corner of her eye, Sophia noticed movement at the top of the stairs and tapped Dawson on the shoulder who got Jay's attention Hale silently signaled upstairs and Jay nodded. 

"movement on the second floor," Hale said quietly through her mic to the rest of the team as Jay, Dawson, and Hale made their way up the stairs as a door shut. "1 suspect apprehended on the first floor, bringing him out now," Atwater said through their earpiece. "2nd suspect apprehended in the basement bringing him out now," Voight said through their earpiece as the 3 detectives paused outside the door that shut as they made their way upstairs. 

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