Chapter 15 (Shorter Chapter)

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East Mercy Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Jay held Sofia in a hug, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?! SERIOUSLY?" Will's voice yelled from the hallway causing Jay and Sofia to let go of their hug and look out into the hallway where Will was clearly upset talking to Sofia's doctor. "A MISTAKE?! YOU TOLD HER SHE WAS DYING! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! You know what I'm taking her over to Med, start her transfer papers please," Will said with a sigh shaking his head as he made his way back over to the room. 

"What was that about?" Jay asked Will who looked at Sofia. "You're not dying Sof," Will told her causing her to sniffle confused. "I'm so confused," she replied trying to stop crying. "Your abdominal pain and excessive bleeding were from... an ectopic pregnancy," Will replied. Sofia started shaking her head no, "What? No, I'm Not p-pregnant. I don't even date anyone let alone have..." Sofia paused what she was saying realizing what Will was saying. 

"I'm getting you transferred over to Med, Sof I'm really, really sorry," Will said as Sofia stared off into space and her thoughts not hearing anything anyone was saying. It wasn't until a nurse came into the room and asked Sofia to sign her transfer papers agreeing that she was leaving East Mercy against medical advice. She signed the papers and Jay and Will helped Sofia up and out of the ED walking her over to Jay's pickup truck. 

Sofia curled up in a ball in the passenger seat with her head resting against the window while Jay drove towards Med with Will following them in his car. She tried not to cry out in pain as the sharp pain in her abdomen returned. "We're almost there Sof," Jay said reaching across the center console with his free hand to take hers. "Squeeze my hand if you need to okay?" he told her as she took his hand squeezing his hand when the pain started getting even worse. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois

Jay pulled his truck up into the parking lot of the hospital and quickly got out of the truck rushing around to Sofia's side to help her out of the truck along with Will. They walked her into the Hospital and the ED. Thankfully she wasn't at East Mercy long enough for them to have her changed into a gown. "Maggie," Will said catching the ED nurse's attention. "Will what happened?" Maggie asked him as she noticed both Halstead brothers were helping Sofia into the ED. 

"Ectopic Pregnancy, violently ill, severe abdominal pain, and she lost a lot of blood" Will explained to Maggie who nodded. "Dr. Manning, Dr. Rhodes, treatment 4," Maggie told them as Will and Jay started helping Sofia over to the treatment room and onto the bed as both Dr. Manning and Dr. Rhodes walked into the room. 

"Hey Sofia, this is my colleague - Hey Dr. Manning," Sofia said forcing a smile as she tried to breathe through the searing pain going through her abdomen. "April hang a unit of B positive," Dr. Rhodes said after April got Sofia hooked up to all the monitors. "Sofia, do you want something for the pain? I can give you morphine?" Dr. Manning asked. "It makes m-me feel sick and g-groggy. I-it won't help the p-pain," Sofia replied through tears as a mother wave of nausea hit her again. "I'm g-gonna be sick," Sofia managed to say as Will handed her a small bean shaped bowl just as Sofia started violently dry heaving having nothing left in her stomach to throw up. 

Dr. Manning and Dr. Rhodes started running tests, and a nurse named April drew some blood to run a blood panel. By the time the sun started rising over the city was around the time Sofia was moved from the ED and into a room upstairs. Dr. Manning and Dr. Rhodes wanted to monitor her condition, they gave her medication to help her blood clot, and the bleeding to slow down. Along with the blood they gave her, and the pain meds Dr. Manning gave her. Sofia was groggy and sleeping. 

Not to mention the excruciating pain and being told she was going to die at the first hospital she was brought to. Jay sat on a small couch across the room from Sofia's bed. Will sat in a chair next to her bed as she was sleeping exhausted. Jay's phone started buzzing in his pocket causing him to fish the device out of his pocket noticing 'Voight' was calling. "Hey man, I'll be right back," Jay said softly as he stood up and stepped into the hallway before he answered the call. 

"Hey Sarg, I was meaning to call you," Jay said. "Halstead what's going on? Where are you and Hale? We have a case," Voight said through the line. Jay rubbed the back of his neck, "Hale ended up in the hospital late last night, she had... complications after her attack last month," Jay told their Sergeant. The line was quiet, "Is she okay?" Voight asked his voice softening, "She's stable and resting right now. She lost a lot of blood and the doctors want to keep her under observation," Jay replied. "Keep me updated on the situation, Stay with Hale. I'll be there to check on her when I can," Voight replied before they both ended the call. 

Sofia's eyes slowly opened as Jay walked back into the room, "Hey Sof, how are you feeling?" Will asked noticing her eyes were open. "Tired, and out of it," Sofia replied rubbing her eyes. "You lost a lot of blood, it isn't uncommon to feel tired and groggy," Will replied  earning a nod from her. "shit..." Sofia muttered sighing, "What's up?" Jay asked her as he took a seat on the edge of her bed. "I should probably call Voight before he sends the calvery for not showing up at work," Sofia replied.

 "He called before you woke up," Jay replied. "Did you tell him?" Sofia asked, "I just told him you ended up in the hospital last night due to some complications from your attack last month. I didn't mention..." Jay replied as his voice trailed off. "thanks," Sofia replied softly as she looked at Jay. "So I'm guessing Voight needs you back at the district?" She said more than asked as Jay shook his head. "Nope, I am not going anywhere. Besides Voight asked me to stay here with you and he'd come by to check on you later," Jay replied. 


Hey everyone I hope you liked Chapter 15! I'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings in the comments. Thank you so much for all the love and support on this story <3 I'm hoping to have Chapter 16 written, edited, and posted later today. Chapter 16 should be posted by next weekend at the latest ( Saturday, June 29th, 2024). 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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