Chapter 6 (Longer Chapter)

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Intelligence Unit, 21st District Police Department, Chicago Illinois 

Jay made his way over to his desk setting his to go cup of coffee down noticing Sophia wasn't at her desk or in the break room. Which was odd considering she was always at the office before him to the point they'd make jokes about it. Jay pulled his phone out and dialed Sophia's number having it ring a couple of times before going to voicemail. "Anyone hear from Hale today?" Jay asked causing everyone to look at him and shake their heads no. 

"Not since we left last night why?" Antonio replied, "She's usually the first one here and she's not answering her phone," Jay replied. "What's going on?" Voight asked appearing in the doorway to his office. "Hale hasn't come in yet and I can't get ahold of her, would it be okay if I go check in on her?" Jay asked. "How about we all go," Voight suggested to the team as everyone got up from their seats and made their way to the stairs and out of the building. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois 

Sophia's vision was a bright blur, everything was moving around her so fast she couldn't keep up with the blurry faces. "Brett, what do we have?" Maggie asked as Brett and Dawson wheeled Sophia into the ED. "Jane Doe, early to mid 20's found with a G.S.W to the right shoulder, behind a dumpster. There were also signs of sexual assault," Dawson said. "Dr. Rhode, Dr. Halstead. Treatment 4" Maggie told them as they wheeled the dark haired woman into the treatment room. 

Dr. Rhodes, Dawson, Brett, and a few nurses moved the young woman from the stretcher onto the hospital bed as Dr. Halstead walked into the room and froze when he saw who was lying in the bed. "Oh my god, Sophia?" Will said looking at her in horror, "Wait you know each other?" Dr. Rhodes asked looking at him as Will nodded. "Sophia Hale, she works with my brother. She's practically our baby sister," he replied staring at his baby sister. "Dr. Choi, treatment 4, Will is there anyone you need me to call?" Maggie asked him. 

Will shook his head no, "I'll give Jay a call," the ginger said trying to keep his voice steady. He looked into the treatment room again as he pulled his phone out and dialed Jay's number. The line rang a couple of times before he answered. "Hey man I can't really talk right now, Can I call you back- Jay it's about Sophia," Will said as his voice cracked. "You heard from her?" Jay asked him, "Jay she was just brought into Med," Will's voice was barely a whisper. "We're on our way there now, is she okay?" Jay asked. "it's bad jay," Will replied as tears filled his eyes and his voice shook. "I'll be there in 10 minutes," Jay replied before the call ended. Will stood in the doorway watching Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Choi work on Sophia. 

ADA Peter Stone's Office, District Attorney's Office, New York City 

Peter sat at his desk going over Sophia's file he had Lieutenant Benson pull for him. His eyes watered the more he read her file, After he and Sam; Sophia's mom split up she moved to Chicago and had Sophia. Sam had arrest records for possession, and prostitution along with countless domestic violence calls, but no filed charges. Sophia was taken from Sam's care when she was 5 and found in a drug raid by the CPD, officers found her locked in a closet. 

A knock sounded on his office door pulling his attention away from the open folder on his desk. "It's open," Peter called as the door to his office opened and Aaron stood there. "Hey," the agent said stepping into the office, "Hey, I'm surprised you're still here. I thought you'd be on your way back to Virginia with the case being closed," Peter said. 

"I don't think it's closed, we caught the pimp and John, but the bigger concern is the ring leader, of this operation," Aaron replied causing Peter to pause and look at him. "I'm on board with keeping the investigation open as long as Lieutenant Benson is," Peter replied nodding. "She's the one that reached out to me before we left, with this concern and I agree with her," Aaron replied noticing Detective Hale's file open on Peter's desk. 

"You got the DNA results back," Aaron said more than asked as Peter nodded quietly and handed him the results he got. The agent looked at the paper nodded and handed it back to him. "Does she know?" Aaron asked referring to Sophia. "No," Peter replied looking at his daughter's file as he let out a sigh. 

Chicago Medical Center, Chicago Illinois

Within 10 minutes Jay walked into the ED along with Sergant Voight, Detective's Dawson, Ruzek, Atwater, and Sergant Platt. Jay walked straight over to Will who was still standing in the doorway staring at Sophia while Dr. Choi and Dr. Rhodes worked on stopping the bleeding from the gunshot. "We need to get her to the hybrid OR now!" Dr. Rhodes said as they started moving the hospital bed out of the room, past Will, Jay, and the rest of the intelligence unit leaving them completely stunned. 

"Will was that Sophia?" Jay asked looking at his brother horrified as Will nodded silently. "what happened?" Jay's voice was barely above a whisper as everyone looked at Will. "Paramedics found her behind a dumpster near Garfield Park, she'd been shot, beaten, and... they said it looked like signs of... sexual assault," Will said trying to keep his voice steady as he fought the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. 

"There were signs of a struggle outside her apartment," Dawson replied keeping his voice steady as he looked at Voight and Will. "Okay, PD I need you to follow me to a waiting room please," Maggie said as she led the group out of the middle of the ED and to a room where they could wait for any updates. 

Sergant Voight and Sergant Platt were the last ones in the hall outside the waiting room. "Do you think the case Hale was helping the feds on might have something to do with this?" Sergeant Platt asked Voight. "I have no idea, but I know who might. I'll be right back," Voight said as Platt walked into the waiting room Voight pulled his phone out and made a call. Hale had been acting off since she came back from New York and he had to find out if what happened there might be connected to her getting attacked. "Hey Olivia, It's Hank," Voight said through the phone. 

Special Victims Unit, New York City Police Department, New York City

"Hank, how's it going?" Lieutenant Benson asked through the phone. "I've had better days, How are you doing?" Hank asked. "I'm good, I'm guessing this call isn't just to catch up," Lieutenant Benson said. "I wish I could say it was, it's about Detective Hale and the case she was helping you and the FBI on," Hank replied causing her to pause. 

"She didn't tell you?" Lieutenant Benson said more than asked a bit surprised. "She didn't mention any details about the case at all, look Olivia I wouldn't ask if I didn't have to but she was attacked outside her apartment last night," Hank said through the line. "Is she okay?" Lieutenant Benson asked him, "She's in surgery now, she was shot, beaten and medics on scene say it looked like signs of... sexual assault," Hank replied trying to hide the pain in his voice. "And you need to know if the case she helped us on is connected to her attack?" Lieutenant Benson replied. 

"We're looking into child prostitution ring using foster parents to pimp teenagers to johns. One of the Johns started killing these kids and we requested the FBI assist us on the case. On a computer at one of the scenes the FBI did a deep dive into the hard drive and found a dozen videos of underage girls unconscious being brutally assaulted... One of those videos, was of detective Hale... when she was a teenager..." Lieutenant Benson replied explaining how Hale ended up helping them in their investigation. "Hank you know I'm gonna have to inform the FBI detective Hale was attacked, especially after helping us with their investigation," Lieutenant Benson replied. "I know," Hank said stunned. 


Hey everyone, I hope you like Chapter 6! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments, I'm hoping to have chapter 7 posted by the end of today or tomorrow at the latest (Monday, May 20th, 2024) Thank you for all the love and support on this book so far! <3


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